To all MARIE fans...
Bibi said on March 10, 2002 07:21:
Hi everyone!
I have started working on a new Marie website! I would like to have some thoughts about Marie on my page. Therefore it would be great if you could send me an e-mail and discribe in one or two sentences why you love Marie! Please add your name and where you are from as well.
I am going to publish the stuff on my site then!
Thanks for your help!
Galning said on March 11, 2002 08:21:
OK, you won´t start this game again....
But I: PerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPerPer
haha, ok, let´s not start it again...
Yashar said on March 26, 2002 23:08:
You can put this on your site:
“Roxette is Per’s songs and Marie’s voice.
And Now we want to talk about this heavenly voice.”
How is it? Put it on the first page.
I really love her voice.
lerina74 said on March 29, 2002 19:12:
Great idea from Yashar... I´ll keep it on my head for my future Marie´s page. Marie is the best! I prefere actually Marie. Adjö!
Galning said on March 10, 2002 08:07:
Some thoughts about Marie??!!!?? OK:
(It´s an insider joke which only Bibi and some other understands.... just in the memory of the “good old times”)