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Love and Roxette

12 replies

Do you think roxette’s songs, maybe from marie, gyllene ... can be a good idea to seduce someone, or while you are dancing with your couple listening it ? or roxette songs are not this kind ?

[email protected]

Trust me!!
most of my Love letters, had a roxette lyric...
btw i dedicate a lot of roxette songs to a lot o people! =)
There’s a roxette song for every situation and every moment!


I agree with rox74ever...

For nearly every situation there’s a Roxsong :-)

Please visit:!! Thankx!


Once we had parties at school and I was 16 I brought a ROX cassette there so the next evening there was only ROX played! :)

This later helped a lot to conquer one beautiful heart. About seducing.. well.. I can only say I recerded 2 houred cassette with the ballads to listen to with the girl.. Hmm as I remember it was played twice or so during the “meetings” :)

So it works perfect, dude!

@antimario–a chto ti ,ti ,ti nochu i dnem Kirkorova ne pomagaet:-))
... dumau chto ona bila popolqrnom v tot vreme...

cori for shutky u menq plohoe nastroeniq..

i used pieces of i want you to know and i’ll be alright in letter to my girl on saint valentine’s day :)

By the way.
My Grandmother died November of 2001 The same day when i arrived from the stockholm concert! I was so happy about the concert and the trip tp Sweden...and when i get home... the sad news...
BUT my point is.. On my dad’s B-day (Feb) we made a party at home and we invited a lot of friends. And i Sang ” SO FAR AWAY” It was dedicated to my dad, and i did it in front of like 50 people... and when i was done singing, everybody had tears in their eyes...

yes, yes, yes...put on “hotblooded”!

hotblooded can be understand as if a person has an special personality that says things with lot of passion, or hotbooded because of ... i’m sure you can supose which is the other possibilty.

I told my girlfriend that “I’ll be alright” was written by me and it worked ...She loves “my” poem

very good arnie, well done.


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