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Grammis prize

13 replies

Rox got grammis for best musicexport or something, Marie was there to receive it.

GREAT!!!! i heard she looked marvelous, does anyone know any pix on the net?????

what grammis is this? which country i mean?

Check, there are at least two pictures of Marie :-) (Thanks Criz for telling us about them!)

Correction; they received the “government’s export prize”, for being one of Sweden’s biggest exports. Not a “Grammis”, but awarded at the Grammis award show.

Was she shown on TV?

Marie is so beautiful– great pix!!!!!

okejj alla svenskar, svara: är inte Lilleman bara för söt??? Varför fick inte han nåt pris??? Dålig stil!!!

Han fick förmodlingen inte pris eftersom han är så värdelös... tyvärr :-)

Du e väldigt elak, Per Andren!!!

yeah Marie was shown on TV very short...I was a little bit surprised and couldn’t move fast enough to tape it...sniff...does anybody know if it will be shown nights a reprise??

Can somebody från Sverige tell me more about “Soundtrack of our lifes”?? Good?? Bad??

A very rich popstar once told me that I HAVE TO BUY their record (of course I can’t find them here in f*** Tyskland) they’ve won a grammi for best swedish group...hmm

i have a cd from the soundtrack of our lives which i bought 2 years ago in sweden,
i think its cool but not the best i‘ve ever heard.

@ CRIZ: HI! :)

Soundtracks definitely gets more attention than they deserve, but that´s not a new “thing”, it happens all the time. Like with all the patethic hip hopbands and rappers we have in Sweden. They all suck, but still get loads of prizes and attention. Atleast it´s good that Rox got sth from the government. :)

all hip hopers and rap artists in Sweden suck, I agree, with one exception: Lilleman
I’m just soooooooo in love with him so don’t say any mean things about him!!!
Skånska e för sött...


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