International Songwriting Competition...
Benji101 said on March 4, 2008 10:23:
I know a lot of us enjoy the escape of poetry/lyrical writing. Some of us have even been inspired by our beloved Roxette to pick up a pen and pad of paper. I recently received; in the mail the other day; a notice of the Songwriting Contest–as I normally do around this time–and thought I would share this with you and see if this may be of interest???. “No, I do not work for the organization that puts this on every year” but, I do appreciate the opportunity given to send in material.
The U.S.A. Songwriting Competition has begun!
15 different catagories include:
(Lyrics Only).......
**There is a charge (of course...) of $35.00 for each entry but with no limitations.
(Fee: $35.00) *Must be either a Personal Check or Money Order
**If UNDER 18, signature of parent or guardian is required to fill out the form (properly).
(For more information visit: )
***This is not a “fly-by-night” deal. This is the “real” thing and hope it may spark an interest with others in the Dailyroxette.
**********ALL ENTRIES MUST BE POSTMARKED BY MAY 30TH, 2008***********
***Lastly, I am very open to my material (of course, I copyright everything I create) to others and I AM GOING TO NEED YOUR HELP or atleast, a second of your time (per say.) Actually, I would be honored to have your help with choicing 1 out of 3 lyrics I tend to consider sending in. But, I will leave this up to you if you have some spare time to read them. If this is of no interest that’s cool as well.
The reason why I am asking you for this help is because we share a very similar and special bond which (obviously) is Roxette. And I can honestly say that if I didn’t discover Roxette’s “Look Sharp!” cassette tape; Yes, that’s how long I’ve been a fan of Roxette’s since back in 1990; in my sisters room, there would have been a great possibility I never would have known I had a gift for writing myself. So, again, once I get the 3 lyrics up, I would definitely appreciate your input. But, I’ll put up another “Off Topic” when I get closer to doing so.
Either way, hope to see your name(s) on the winners list so start your engines and get those old journals out or napkins you jotted your ideas on and get to it!!!
Cheers and Peace.