mixella1 said on January 15, 2008 22:51:
For the Swedish people -and not the only ones. Have you’ve seen the videobook from the dvd,the short movies from different locations were they’ve played ? I was wondering what they are saying there, what kind of jokes are they making, for example what Per says about Christofer? I can’t understand a thing. Can you? They laugh a lot and I can’t understand why?
ditroia said on January 25, 2008 05:39:
Yeah I’ve seen some of it, looks good, frggin EMI not putting subtiles on DVD’s again.
Never Left The Joyride..
imazombieinthem... said on January 25, 2008 07:07:
and what happened to the 5.1 sound option on this dvd, the others had it. Only DTS and basic dolby stereo.
Plenty of those short diary videos on there, and the videoclip almost makes up for it.
ditroia said on February 6, 2008 03:08:
DTS is better, Higher bitrate.
Someone at EMI realiseD that you can’t cram too much onto a dual layer DVD without compromising quality, That’s why there’s no DD.
Never Left The Joyride..
arnie said on January 16, 2008 10:59:
I don’t understand...what dvd are you talking about? what’s a videobook?