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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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I’ve just looked through my old rox stuff and I found some catalogues of a Swedish shop called roxport. They sold lots of rox/gt/solo records etc years ago and I’m wondering if they still exist? Does anybody know?

Yes, they still exist! But today they sell more stuff of ABBA. I have the url on another PC. I’ ll search for it (today I’ ve not the time, but tomorrow I’ll write it down here!).
Some time ago I’ve written an e-mail to them, in which i asked for videos of TV-appearances of Roxette, like the ones they sold in the old shop (it’s now a new “owner”) and I got the answer that they will, but since then there was nothing new. Maybe it would be helpfull if some more persons ask for such things...
So - do this, when you get to know the url!

is this the same as ’per & marie records’ in halmstad????

BEWARE their prices are way to high, the become rich of all the foreign roxette fans travelling to sweden (or their website). you can find better prices anywhere.

if its not the same, keep that name in mind. its either per & marie records or roxette records. DONT BUY unless you’re absolutely sure the price is fair. you can check the price by searching for the same item somewhere else, like ebay or something.


Okay, here comes the url + address:
POP IMPORT Kaprisvägen 34 S-33153 Värnamo

There are no prices for roxette items!!

I’m not sure if it’s the same as that record thing from Halmstad... but the prices were really high... ;o) I never bought something there, I’ve no clue why I always got their catalogue. Was just wondering if they still exist. Thanx for the URL by the way!

It’s funny you mention all of this Little-Miss. I was just going through my old Roxette stuff the other day and also found a Roxport catalogue. From 1994. There is also a newsletter with stories about Per’s financial dealings. I think they were sent as part of a fan club letter. Strange coincidence!!

;o) The one I found was from 1998 but it’s still the same shop, I guess... lol


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