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Any news on OZ Rox DVD??

6 replies

Just wondering if anyone had any news on the Roxette DVD being released in Australia??

Last i heard was around march - i think?

According to someone on the RML March 4th is the intended release date from EMI but don’t hold you breath!

Import it.

i just checked the EMI OZ website and they have finally got it on the page - to be released on MARCH 4!!!

Can’t wait!!

Import it, it’s worth it.

Unless Dave already has I might just be the only person in Oz with a copy, bought it in Sweden end of November, but couldn’t watch it until I got home about a 3-4 weeks ago.

Sorry Rezmad
Got my Rox DVD and Antligen DVD on December 24th from sweden AHHHHH what a Xmas...

If u can afford it import it, otherwsie waaaaiiit. I IMPORT EVERYTHING It’s The Only Way to go ppl.


Cool! This makes it three, my copy is via a friend in the U.K.


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