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Are there really Roxette fans ?

19 replies

I’m a Gesslefan. Somedays I’m not a Roxfan coz there are some stuff I don’t really like, but most of it is great!

Go Gyllene!

There are people who don’t like the idea of a greatest hits album of Roxette, but they say they are Roxette fans, a new album will be publishe, but there there are people who don’t like it and say they are Roxette fans, it will include new songs, and also there are people who don’t like it and say they are Roxette fans.
Are you sure you are a Roxette fan ?
I like the idea of a new album, because always is incredible a new album of Roxette, a new greatest hits will be publish and this means that after the 1st one we have hits to include, and also new songs, all sounds perfect, so why you don’t like the idea of the new greatest hits album ? i can’t understand people who don’t like it.

Because It means they lack of ideas....
maybe you like to hear the same songs over and over again......but i´m kinda tired of that.... i’ve been fan of Roxette for 11 years if not more...
What’s your idea of “fan”..... is it someone who stupidily likes everything EMI puts out?.... who likes everything only cos the name Roxette is printed on the cover?
For me Roxette was more than that... Roxette was a meaning of quality.... originality at certain points.... profesionality...etc.. and just the idea of the posibility of releasing ANOTHER greatest hits gives me hmmm well, a strange feeling... i can’t describe in english.

I absolutely agree to Ferdan !

Just consider this: Since DBUGTTC 26 new songs were officially released on HAND and RS !
Another Greatest Hits album means around 13 songs out of those 26 !
The only problem is that actually there where not even 5 real HITS ! Only WICF, STARS, TCOTH and MATAH got good airplay and some attention from the video-channels...

On DBUGTTC nearly every song was a worlwide
Top20 Hit... so please wait some more years to release GT#2 !!!

There are many possibilities rox has!

e.g. to releasw a L I V E-Album....
e.g. to release MTV-Unplugged .........
e.g. to release another Tourism ....

Why a greatest Hits album ?????????

eg. an EP
anyway.... I preffer to wait a few months more and get a new record than getting another GH sooner

Me too!!

Live-album would be good. Or another Tourism, but if it’s GH, i’m ok with that.

I think also it will be to soon for another GH. But on the other site: first GH had not all hits Roxette made. Hits like Fingertips or Queen of Rain.
The best will be a whole new Roxette album before the Christmas or EP in May/June and then a summer tour in Sweden. It will be great.
But mostly I really miss Gyllene Tider. Too bad I didn´t ask Micke “Syd” yesterday when I met him by Cirkus.

well, i´m a rox fan since i was 8 years old (now i´m 20). i adore them, they are my heroes, but if they do something i don´t like, i say it. be a rox fan it´s not only buy their records, go to their concerts... it´s also say what you think in every moment, say what you think about a song, an album, be honest and say “ok, i don´t like this idea, i think it´s stupid” , don´t say that you like it only because it´s something of roxette. if you like the idea of another greatest hits, it´s ok, and if they finally release this album i´ll respect always their decission, but it doesn´t mean that i am agree with that.
c´mon roxette, keep on makin´us dream! you both have the talent to make it.

the greatest hits album-thing was not true, to start with, probably just a reporter who wanted to have something to say. of course, i WILL buy any GH album of rox that will come out, i am a fan! but i dont think it’s the right moment to release another GH. i would be very happy if they do some promotion with that and if there are new sons on a GH, thats of course great. but i always think about what the critics will say and they wont be very positive (esp. here in holland) if rox was to bring out a new GH now.

luckily it was just a rumour, to be sure check www.roxette.xe

I agree with Chantie ( Hej hej ;-) !). Of course I would buy the album because Roxette is on the cover. But I think it’s not a good idea to release a new GH album. I mean - as many of you already said - it’s too early for that! Who would buy a so called “GH II” album which contains only singles which were more or less successful. I mean their real big hits have been already released on the first GH album 6 1/2 years ago. I think that the release of GH II would end in a kind of deasaster. I am sure that only a few fans would buy it. And is that what you want for Roxette??? I am also one of these persons who prefers waiting a bit longer for a new album....!

Yepp, we ARE still fans, I think! Healthy criticism is a big part of being a fan! And to prove our fanism, we will end up buying the CD anyway even if we are not that enthusiastic :)
@ Bibi: In case you drop here again - I got your photos!!! They rule as usual :))) THX and puss!

@ gyllene_tjej: I am happy that you received them and that you like them :-)))!

yeas i agree with you, but is different to say the bets will be a new album full of nes songs, and something completely different is saying that if the album will include just two or three new songs then this is a bad idea, that’s what i don’t understand why people disagree with this, do you understand me ?

[email protected]

A new greatest hits album?

To be honest, I don’t like this idea. They only released HAND and RS after the first collection. In Switzerland, they are unfortunately not as big as they were in the early 90. It would only be a good idea to make a “greatest-hits-collection”-live CD. Didn’t they record during the RS-tour?

of course you can be a fan even though you don´t like the idea of a greatest hits. I think they should wait until they have released at least 1-2 more cd´s.

I also want to say that being a fan doesn´t mean you like everything that for example roxette does... I do not think that it´s that many people in here who honestly can say that they adore every single song roxette have ever done...

I thought there wasn’t going to be GH album anyway so why all the fuss??)....or have I missed something again?

you know what think?
if its not gonna be released in the US, then its a waste of time!! cause maybe thats what they wanna do, try to get US attention maybe...mmm...mmmm... or maybe not never mind
but i would love a LIVE cd
but oh well
we just gotta wait!!
“good things come to those who wait”

but there isn’t going to be another GH album for a while.....the press report didn’t have much truth to it.
Not that they’d bother releasing it in the US.....or the UK for that matter.....and several other countries.

do you want to talk by e.mail with me ?

[email protected]


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