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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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13 replies

Never one to say “I told you so” - but I remember raising a topic a while ago saying that Roxette should release another Greatest Hits Package - re-vamped etc.... All I got in reply was “Oh no they wouldn’t do that” bla bla bla.......

Well, looks as though they are now - good on them, let’s hope it’s a double package this time!

Hah! Your’re wrong. Check

like the Hives say: i hate to say i told you so!!!!! allright!
I love it!!!! :))))

Yeah, The Hives are great bytheway!

How funny.. and a few years later... we get another one... ha ha ha

is someone bored eBay?? lol

I like looking at old threads, a lot of people aren’t here anymore. I reckon that this new release will draw people outta hiding again.

Is this so surprising as to come up with all caps? :/

@Santi: Check the date...

LOL, thanks!!! :D

My god, I did this post like 4 years ago!

Why is it back?!

It’s cursed?

Oh, sod it-just be glad you’re right!

That old thread looks like a bad joke... Now we’re heading the third Greatest Hits in 11 years!!! It’s me the only one who feels a bit upset about it?? I mean, the new single is great news, but... another Greatest Hits?? :s

Cashing in on past glory, they know we’re gonna buy it.

You know, it does kind of stink a little when you think that if they added the new stuff from TBH and TPH (the ’new’ tracks and the both of the bonus EPs), as well as the Rox Medley and One Wish AND the other supposed song, I mean we’re already talking about 14 tracks here, they could just splice it together and call it an album.

God please don’t let them do that... though, to be honest I wouldn’t put it past them at the minute...

Oh, I am SO gonna get abuse for this...


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