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Lonely Boys remastered CD

11 replies

Apparently released on 29th August according to Ginza:

Will there be any bonus tracks or other differences to the original CD (except the slight mastering difference)?

How useless! What’s the point in remastering a CD that was released in 1995? I don’t think the sound will improve that much. I guess the reason is (as the CD is currently out of print) to make the album available again.

Albums like “Look Sharp” and “Joyride” really need to be remastered (maybe Dance Passion as well). Or “Barn som barn” - even if it belongs to another label. But “Lonely Boys”, c’mon. They are milking the Gessle cow, now that he is back and in everyone’s lips.

Although both “Look Sharp!” & “Joyride” are pretty old albums , I don’t think they need remastering (unless we’re talking about dts o dd5.1 enconding which should be perfect...). The real problem started with the mastering of DBUGTTC, where most of the tracks have lots of distortion... That’s why funny as it is no one in the world have, for example “June Afternoon” with no distortion cause it’s the same in the single, the compilation, the Rox Box, etc... And it’s a pity cause it seems impossible to solve...(Just open the file in any wave editor software and you’ll see the ugly flat lines above and below the wave... Try the same with any song from LS! and u’ll see the difference....)

Bs. As. Argentina

But that’s a not difference to me. I just play the song and it sounds ok. I don’t check the wave of every song I play in an editor software...

The problem about “Look Sharp!” and “Joyride” is -as any other CD released in that time- that the volume level is pretty low if compared with other Rox stuff. I have to play it at the maximum level if I want to play it loud!

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But luckily “Pearls of Passion” was re-released and remastered in 1997, so we don’t need a new one.

I’d like a new “Look Sharp!” - I’d love in fact. Though I am not that fond of re-re-re-releases, this one is absolutely necessary. I wouldn’t mind in spending money on it. The album is 55 minutes long so we have room enough for some bonus. Which ones would you like to be included?

These are obvious, and shouldn’t be ommited:

Silver Blue (demo) - used as a b-side
The Voice - used as a b-side

Then, we are plenty of mixes and versions of The Look, Dressed for Success, Listen To Your Heart, Dangerous and Chances. Potential bonus, maybe.

October 21st, 2008 will be the 20th annivesary of the album’s release. That’s an opportunity that EMI could take to re-release it. Wait and see.

Hey, if anyone’s interested in an original release, I have an unplayed copy with insert available for trade. Just drop me a line!


Yeah I got your point and I agree with u. Anyway most of that volume diference is because of that distortion (don’t know why loads of engineers tried to give the masters more volume doing such nonsense things..but it’s the same for all artists.. so nothing we can do about...). But try to hear “June Afternoon” in a really high volume and u’ll notice the ugly hiss... But ok, it’s done now....but a really improvement should be (in my opininion) or a box or as separated re-releases of all albums in a proper (and well done) 5.1 and/or dts mixing... C’om emi!!! We deserve something more than a pretty old and-full-of-clicks- unplugged dvd...
May they hear us? (hehe)

P.D: perhaps Per knew ’bout that and that’s the reason for the words at the end of Dangerous ;)

Bs. As. Argentina


Distortion is only a problem, when you notice it with your ears, not in the wave-editor. All in all I agree with Gachy here. And to do compression and distortion can make sence. It also lowers the soundquality, when you do not normalise the tracks, cause then you have a lower soundquality, in fact not 16 bit anymore, when the average amplitude is only the half.
And also by normalizing you might have a too weak sound (to normalise means: find the loudest part in the track and make the whole master as loud, that the loudest part has 0 db, which is max volume).

I do lot of mixing and mastering myself for our little music-project. And very often the peaks in the recordings are mainly from the drums/percussionsounds. They are noiseful anyway, so noone will mind when they are overamplified. On the other hand, the soundquality gets better. It makes no sence not to use the maximum range of the db-scale just to prevent clippings in instruments, that are noiseful anyway!

I agree with you that this extreme over-compressing nowadays is a strange kind of philosophy, when it is done in the way “the louder, the better”. This takes away any dynamic in volume, and that’s what we are used to. A whispered phrase is as loud as a guitar-solo in a rock-arrangement. In our age of compression it is really strange to listen to an old album like Queen’s “A Night At The Opera” (one of my all time-favs): when you put in the CD and regulate the volume at the beginning of a harp-Intro in the “Prophet’s Song”, you suddeny wins when the guitars and drums join in. When you hear the same track in the radio the effect is gone due to the compression.

On the other hand, when you compile a CD with chartsongs and one of those classicaly mastered tracks inbetween you will hear nearly nothing when this track starts, because it is so low in its average volume compared to the other tracks.

So as a “producer” (even if I only make small productions for our website) I always have to consider this: do I want the listener to use my songs in his playlists or do I want to make an old-school-mastering, that just sounds weak in volume. I try to make a middle-way.
A song that needs dynamics will be treated more classically, a song with an equal arrow of atmosphere gets a more compressed mastering. The only criteria is: the final “user” should not be annoyed by distortions. They should play no role in psychoaccustic aspects. And I think that most Gessle-Songs are very well mastered in these aspects.

Have a nice evening :-)


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we don’t need techno babbale, that stuff only interests audio-philes, what us the general listening fanbase is remastered album that don’t sound like vynil inside a coffin, look sharp and cbb for some reason both have really dated mastering, george marino should have been shot

CBB sounds ok for me, there’s no need to be remastered. Sounds loud and clear.

In the case of the Lonely Boys CD, remastering isnt really the issue. It is just good that it is going to be available again in music stores, remastered or not!


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