little-miss-sorrow said on January 20, 2002 20:50:
Does anybody know if - and if yes, where - there are any mp.3s of the “join the flumeride” film songs on the net?
little-miss-sorrow said on January 21, 2002 07:58:
mhm... I don’t think so... ;o) but I remember there is a homepage about that film somewhere on the net. Forgot the link, though... ;o(
tevensso (moderator) said on January 22, 2002 00:37:
The plans of a Soundtrack and a Video were never realized unfortunately... A shame since the songs are both funny and not at all bad.
imazombieinthem... said on January 25, 2002 02:29:
It was on www.roxette.co.uk , but they have redesigned their site and now its not there(I think)
I dont know why you wont the mp3’s, I have the video and the songs are pretty crappy. Per making a guest appearance and acting tough is the best bit!
gyllene_tjej said on January 25, 2002 09:56:
I disagree that songs are crappy. They are full of witt and the voices are cool. Maybe anyone managed to download the mp3 from the site before they disappeared? If so, let us know here! .....Om du känner min matematik, vet du vad du ska ge mig, sätt teori i praktik, du vet ju att jag vill se dig... :)
tevensso (moderator) said on January 26, 2002 05:50:
I do too. And as a matter of fact, so does Per, he liked the movie and he liked the songs. I can make mp3s from the video tape but I doubt it’ll be great.
cyberdandy said on March 8, 2002 03:11:
The soundtrack is great i think. I’m not, i must say, impartial cous i was in the film. The soundtrack contains lots of hidden stuff and not the whole songs was featured in the finished movie. By the way be sure to check out my homepage www.anderscelin.has.it under the film or biografi section. Theres a link to Flumeride. Just remember that the pictures are strictky copyrighted and my not be taken. In the film i was under heavy makeup so you my not have recogniced me but its me standing to the right of Gessle!
gyllene_tjej said on January 21, 2002 02:30:
good question. I am interested too. Do you think such thing as an original soundtrack exists? :)