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14 replies

It’s just a question: Is it my computer that doesn’t want to open almost all pages or something else? It takes AGES to get to those pages, no matter which one I try., It takes hours and then it says it can’t open the page. ;o( And the best is, I installed ADSL today so everything else is so fast I can’t look but not those pages...

Anybody else having these problems??

yeah, it´s the same with me... I have my mailbox on and I can´t open it...

Yup, it´s the same with me! But thanks for some promotion, l-m-s! :o) problem... ;o)

Hi !

I’ve got the same problem and it might be Roxbytes, of which lots of files are on the server.
If I’m wrong, let me know, but I temporary moved my site to my personal account at my provider, and it’s faster now.
I hope this will be solved soon, because it’s a pity that lots of sites are not accessible, or slow.


to rainbowgirl:

Though is temporarily “super slow” let’s say you can still check the mail by

It’s still mega-fast :)

P.S. Always read policy ;)

I think the sites are working again! I have tested my sites and they are both very fast again!

When I tried yo download a file from Roxbytes server I got “Server Busy”,,,,Pietro didn’t really think this could happend,, but has this happend to anyone else,,, or what did you say up here?

Hey Peitro bytheway, if you see this,,, I downloaded the file through Getright,,, but all downloaded was a webpage, perhaps you actually gave me the wrong link? or?

@ AntiMario - thanks! you were right, it´s quite fast!:)

Hej PerAndren! We are not only talking about roxbytes! We are talking about all site, that are hosted by! They were really slow the last days!

For your problems with roxbytes, you should write to pietro!

It’s very fast again, thanx for your replies! ;o)

The speed of sites hosted on DOES NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH ROXBYTES!!! You have experienced some speed problems due to a server upgrade, that has been carried out recently. I - and all the others who have a stie on - have received an e-mail from Dan Zimmerman, the owner of the server letting us know about this problem. If you got error messages while downloading from RoxBytes (please note that only a very small percent of our files are hosted on, mostly we use private servers) it could be because of the server upgrade.

and the roxbytes pages are hosted there too...

well today the sites are still slow, and even connecting via FTP is supaslow.. which is a pain in the a**.... :(((


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