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How would Per be as an actor?

16 replies

Hey fellow Roxm8s! Maybe you think this is a silly question, but I wonder how you think Per would be as an actor or a program leader? I think he would be awsome:) Kepp Rox!

As an actor? No sorry, I think he would be terrible. Sorry Per ;)


Well, check ’Join the Flumeride’ to see!

Very convincing as a door-guard or whatever he was supposed to be... (or maybe not)

You have to be able to act a bit to appear in music video clips though.

Sorry Per, I think he would be really baaaad.
That doesn’t change the fact he’s the best songwriter of all times though :))

Ha ha ha, terrible!!!!!

I have a vision of Per as a dodgy gameshow host, but not an actor...I really need to start sleeping!

I just don’t see it, sorry :)

Per can maybe be everything ...but not an talent at all...but he is already talented enough in other things I think! :)

I think that Marie would be the best actress and that Per would be a Great Actor.

I can’t imagine him as an actor. He’s a wonderful songwriter, but acting his is not good, you can see it on the videos.

Oh, I think he does decent in the videos. :-)
But as an actor... -> No, better not! *smile*

JTF? I forgot about that!!!!



I wish Sweden would win the Eurosong just so that Per and Marie could host the show the year after, but somehow I don’t see this happen...other than in my imagination.

No, no!!! It’ll be one of them paired with some dodgy TV actor...


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