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Viva ignores One Wish

23 replies

Hello roxers,

how we all know, rox ist from 0 to 50 in the single charts in Germany.

Today there was the the Top 100 on channel Viva.

All newcomer came, but no roxette.

How poor for Germany. Shit techno, rap... etc.


Seid nicht überrachst! :)
After all this time Roxette marked an era and a fashion for music listener during a certain period. Since then everything changed and evolved, for the best or the worst i don’t know, but the public is another the music is another and it will always change for as long as pop culture allows it too... What remains in the end is a group of people who became attached to the music and those are the fans ... and the music is the best we can celebrate. Charts, radio airplay, sales, VIVAS and MTVs ... that’s not going to ruin the act for me... It’s not only for Roxette for every music act that has also gone through they heydays as well...

MTV ignores Roxette since years!!!! Viva ignores Roxette since MTV -Viva and Viva2 buy.

it´s a big Company.

Shit, Teenie TV!!!!! Not more!!!!

Well VIVA and MTV are american dominated Teenie programs, thats it. Roxette are not fashion among 13year old kids, and neither are they indie or dance or whatever is considered as “cool”, Rox‘ pop-tunes just don‘t match their program anymore. Indeed, very rarely you can catch one of their videos during the night program. And VIVA played OW 3 times (okay, it was once at VIVA NEU (=new) and twice in the repitition of that program).

I was gonna say:

MTV ain’t the MTV most of us grew up with. Now it’s cRap, Hip / Hop trash, and children dressed in practically nothing.

Roxette doesn’t fit that profile, thank the Gods.

Exactly MTV and VIVA as many other music channels of the same style are and will always be conncted to the music that is always ON at the moment no matter in which year and decade. Roxette were part of it during their heydays as well as many other artists and groups who still do music but have also had their heydays...

But like i’ve been saying radio airplay, mtvs and vivas, not seeing the music chart and sell.. how revelant can that be for us in terms of appreciating the true quality of the songs? I mean did we only enjoyed the look or joyride because they were #1 or was it because despite all that we could listen and trully enjoy the songs for themselves? This is the point ... are we missjudging One Wish for its non-chart success and therefore quoting it as a bad song? Or do we really honestly feel it’s not such a song because it’s just not that good in terms of quality? And are we seeing it that without comparing to previous songs or are we seeing that just allowing our hears to say it so?

There is a lot a lot on this that could be said ... but most importantly we can’t rely on airplays, sales and tv broadcast to feel that the music is worth ... we have to let our hearts and ears do that job for us! Can we? After 20 yeasrs can we?

If I had “One Wish” on a tape, I’d have worn the tape out already. As it is, I’m trying to wear a rut in my CD with that song ;o)

Most of us aren’t MTV/VIVA’s target group anyway. Who of you does watch these channels regularly? I don’t. Stopped somewhen in the early 90s.
And I wouldn’t start again only because one special song, that I like, is being played. :-)

yeah, but I just hoped for “One Wish” at Vh1 really. It’s really strange and sad that I have never seen it there.

@Kathrin: But only old Videos like The Look ect!

But they totaly ignore the new stuff!

We calld MTV and Askt why they did‘t play roxette:

The answer was like that: We also don‘t play Modern Talking and Pur.

Roxette on the same level like MT & Pur? What a joke!

No they’re not on the same level.

What they meant was that Roxette are an old group that does not fit into what MTV wants to show today.... We have to live accepting that .

I agree with Rox Nox !!!

@veneziano: That’s not true, my Little Sister is 7 Years old and is also a Big Roxette Fan (that also includes my lil Brother and he is 9 Years Old)

But they got to enjoy them through you of course... if they go to school singing their songs and all he other kids sing Tokyo Hotel ... how do you think they would feel???

They sing Roxette songs @ school and nobody has something against that!

So you ignore Viva as well. You’re the audience, that means customers...
If you don’t like the programming just don’t watch it, it’s the only way you can express your disapproval, it’s the only “language” businessmen understand.

We should ignore VIVA!!!

I ignore Viva anyway :)

Didn´t watch viva for weeks!

Katrin: okey so there are exceptions but we all understand how this so called pop culture works and it manipulates people even kids to enjoy what is IN at the moment ... and that creates path for young teens to be fit into a group where they’lle be accepted. In our teens liking Roxette was also like today enjoying Tokyo Hotel e pop rock actual crap... in our days we wouldn’t be enjoying old stuff prior to Roxette (in general terms) so kids in general don’t listen, don’t care and don’t bother with Roxette... some may not even know what is that cause it’s not part of their real life now. They didn’t grow up with that.

My younger brother knows Crush On You because of me and he sings it but not at school cause no one knows hat that is nor do they know what Roxette is ... otherwise he will lauged at. If he sang 50 cent or any other pop sct of today then it’s okey for everyone.

It’s more than music: it’s a social anc cultural thing that affect all generations.

I see what you mean by that,but all the Girls of my Class like Roxette(and not only because of me)

The Youngest Girl in my Class is 16 Years Old and her Fav. Song is Listen to your Heart

And I’ve always been the only since junior high school up to University to be a Roxette fan ... so guess how it was like for me? And having everyone staring at me knowing that? It was the same as looking at as a britney spears fan ... it’s pop it’s crap general thought shared and didn’t care for anyone’s opinion.

Today was the first time in a very time i saw Roxette on MTV. They played Listen to your heart.

They actually had TCOTH back in 2001 ... but never saw anything after that ...


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