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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Sorry, but this is a really stupid idea!

5 replies

Rox on Bravo Gala:

They will perform “THE LOOK” on that show. I can´t belive that. This would be Roxette´s first TV performance after many years in germany and we will hear “THE LOOK”. An 18 years old song!

I think this is a really stupid idea. Because EVERYONE knows it‘s from Roxette.

Like Madonna: She would never perform anything like “Like a virgin”!

New stuff please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry guys I´m in a bad mood because of that fact!

First point:

It’s a 40th year old celebration it makes all sence to recall older songs cause those are the ones who have trademarked the Bravo path over the years. One Wish in it? It’s not even part of this magazine story. The Look is....

Madonna? Coming to sing like a virgin? I don’t see why not but I aslo believe that she wouldn’t be here to do it... I don’t imagine her here... don’t ask me why

Then, this an anniversary gala and not just some TV station where Per and Marie can simply showcase OW to promote the song. This is far far a complete different event. Witha complete different purpuse.

Madonna WON´T be there!

many OTHER act will perform their new song.....

I don’t think people really care anymore!

i think i dont care anymore lol. Its a show celebrating the show. and there biggest hits, i dont see the prob lol.

A really stupid idea is opening a new thread about a topic that already exists in many shapes: would be one.


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