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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Hi everyone, just to let you all know that in the UK the music channel MAGIC is repeating what they showed on Monday again tonight (20/10/06)at 10o,clock if any body missed the show on Monday.

Ive not seen the ONE WISH video yet so i will probably record it on DVD.

thanx hope this was helpful!!


great stuff. its great to have watched one wish and tv, mades a huge difference.

At Least Roxette are getting some promotion in the UK! Just received my new Hits album yesterday from CDWOW and i love both songs. Looking forward to watching the programme tonight, and getting to see the ONE WISH VIDEO for the first time.

Thanks for letting us know David!!! Wanted to see it after I missed it the last time

I dont get UK Magic :(

No SKY. Crap.

That,s a pity u can’t get MAGIC. i dont know if you can maybe get it on FREEVIEW? I think they broadcat it through RADIO aswell.

I have telewest (cable), but thats not one of the music channels i get

No it’s not on freeview... I’ll tune in for the One Wish video... if it’s not already been on!

10pm tonight!

Pants! I wonder if it will be on the Magic Radio on Freeview??

can,t get sky? go to a friends and crash there SKY for 45minutes.

i saw it again, was ace.

cool to see OW on UK TV!!

Superb to see O.W. on tv, just a pity that its probably the only time we will see it on UK TV. still nevermind!!!!

But how many of the song titles did they get wrong.... Fading became LIKE A FLOWER... C!B!B! was named Boom Bang! FFS! Good programme but so wrong, still was good to watch One Wish again on a decent screen! ;)

and watching that reminded me how much I hate the video for C!B!B!

I quite liked the video for C!B!B! didnt like what the pop up at the bottom of the screen said that roxette songs starting to get rubbish though.

I know there comments where crap... the bit about the 4 year seperation when they released WICF!!!!! Grrrrrrrrr


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