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where is that polish cd online shop?

5 replies

i think it was 2 weeks ago, when i discovered this polish site whre they were selling the roxbox for about 40€ plus shipping costs. i created a user account on that page, but they didn’t send my any email. i used a link from the dailyroxette forum to get there.

can somebody tell me the adress of that site, please? and does someone know if the site is allready. i mean if they deliver the shipings and how long it will take?

hi! maybe you mean or
if it is the first one I have ordered from there two times and everything was fine. it took abou 10 days from Poland to Italy. Bye.

it must be
thank you very much!

my pleasure!

Is the “EE_Version” the one with the 4-sided booklet?

I belive that is the Eastern European version (EE).


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