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Bought the GH album today

66 replies

Anyone gonna scan the booklet for us?
Am dying to see!!!!!

Can’t wait for the ROXBOX later this week. My weekend is planned around it!!!

Today sunday I bouht the gh album in Madrid, FNAC, I was surprised cause thoughy it would be released on monday. I asked for the rox box but they told me they had asked 41 copies, would arrive this week.

Yippee! Roll on tomorrow...

mine should come tomorrow , YAY .

is it me or does anyone else feel more of a fan when a new release comes out and digs out all the other stuff to put on lol.

I preordered my GHs in CD-Wow and they shipped one of them the 14th!

So what’s the booklet like for the CD? Is it the shiney glossy type, or the mank cheap paper style??

Re paper type. If HAND was the glossy type, then this one is not that type. Pictures inside:
- 1 page look sharp era (one of the limo shots)
- 1 page FLAF single
- 1 page bowling alley
- small pics of the single sleeves (but the swedish ones, not the international ones)

It is the shiny one. Nothing remarkable there, no lirics, just photos of the singles and promo photos from CBB, Balad hits, etc. and the one at the Bowling alley. And also, a photo of the golden crown at one wish single (someone knows what is said below it?).The menu of the DVD has some kind of instrumental version of reveal.

The sleeve includes some recommended websites (eg but does not include dailyroxette. What a shame and dumb considering that the websites listed are recommended for ’if ya wanna know what’s up’.

cocos92, my copy dont includes spanish song.
And yours? :(
I bought in El Corte Ingles an imported edition...

It’s quite funny that most of the rest of Europe get it before the Swedes! lol

No lyrics? Not even in the larger booklet of the deluxe edition?
BTW whats correct about the sleeve, that what brentnewtown or cocos92 wrote? I’d like to have a glossy one.

The cover is glossy, but the insides are less glossy. not the cheap mank paper. Looks very good quality actually!

well its offical There new greatest hits is not in my HMV or Virgin meagstores in the new release section as thought, Only 1 copy in hmv under roxette and 3 in virgin. Not a good start.

BtW UK people magic tv music station is playing roxette 19 steps though time today at 2, but im sure it will repeat. I was VERY suprised when i saw it.

It’s in Woolies (multiple copies) and a local retailer (again, multiple copies). I wasn’t the only one in the Q who was buying it either!! :-)

maybe its just my city ! plus leeds doesnt have a woolies i think , iv never sen one lol i was just so cross when i didnt see it in the new release section , i moved them to the front lol, i was getting funny looks but dont care i was annoyed ! ! so based on my experience on promo , its not gonna do so well. i will keep my eyes peeled and go in each day to move it to the front lol.

Mine has Reveal instead of No sé si es amor, so it´s not the spanish version. I have seen the copies in El corte Ingles (a big store in Spain)and it´s the same as mine.

@pwbbounce: Thanks for answering.
That booklet style is ok, I think ;-)

Yep, R_S, I think the booklet looks very nice. Shame about there not being the little PG/MF comments about each track though. And there should be more pix from now I think. But overall, it looks good.....

Now, who has the RoxBox yet??

Oh, why on earth I have looked there!!! Now half of the joy is spoiled!!!

brentnewtown 10/16/2006 10:26
The sleeve includes some recommended websites (eg but does not include dailyroxette. What a shame and dumb considering that the websites listed are recommended for ’if ya wanna know what’s up’.

And you wonder about that?

bought the new album today they had 5 copies in hmv cwmbran they were also well stocked in wollies

Okay so ASDA has the CD + DVD in store for £14.97 but I was not paying that when I knew it was cheaper online.... so I’ve ordered it from CDWOW for £10.99!

Just got the regular GH from Tesco!

Has the regular CD got the old style CD case?? The ones over here did, but the CD+DVD had the posh new cases. I thought both were getting the new style ones??

All of the songs sound remastered to me !! Either that or I am listening differently (?)

Paul: No, just the fancy schmantzy one. :)

That’s strange. Seems the UK have the old style for the regular CD, and the fancy one for the CD+DVD.

@ rox-kuryliw

Leeds does have a Woolies. It’s in the Merrion Centre. Scraggy place I know but there is one.

Thomas :-) (Leeds person also)


So they are in Spain.

Tried to get the deluxe cd today and very annoyed! Was in Glasgow and went to HMV and they only had the standard cd (and might I add that they didn’t have the cd in the new releases section - annoyed at that too!).

Went to Virgin who didn’t have it at all. Finally went to Woolies where I picked up the display case for the deluxe cd, handed it to the shop assistant and was told that it was put there by mistake and they don’t have it, just the standard cd!

I was outraged and very disappointed. Just going to have to order it from the internet and I was so looking forward to just walking into the store and picking it up and buying it proudly!

That’s correct. The double has the Super CD jewel case whatever.
CDON shipped my CDs today, but NOT THE BOX!!!

My regular GH is just a standard case..... the one in ASDA was the CD+DVD and it was in one of those protected cases... you know with the tags on to stop you walking out.... but it looked like the regular plastic case to me....

.... now I am wondering, as no doubt the one from CDWOW might be different again....

*shall I go back to ASDA tomorrow to buy it...*

I’m not sure if to buy the regular or the deluxe edition... can anybody tell me if the quality of the videos is better than the ones we have on previous dvd’s?

i think the quality of the videos is just the same as the previous dvd releases

thanks for the info!

I wonder what is all the fuzz about the so-called “deluxe” version. All the people was pretty disappointed when they announced all the videos would be included in the Rox-Box again (after two DVD’s with almost the same contents, “All Videos Ever Made...” and “Ballad and Pop Hits”). Many people said that is pointless and just to cash in some money. But now, all the people is trying to get the deluxe version with the same videos as always on it. Simply, I don’t understand, hehe.

room_service: well, if one is planning to buy the greatest hits, and just wants to buy one copy (not 2 or 3 including the Spanish edition), then it’s pretty obvious to want to have the Deluxe, as it’s more special than the normal GH CD.. it’s not only about the DVD, it’s about the booklet and the box. So sounds logic to me :)

I know I’ll end up buying it >:@ But that’s only because Marie is so enthusiastic about the comeback :D and I got a nice feeling seeing them on stage again, seeing their One Wish going high in the charts.. and them making me feel 10 or 15 years younger!!!!

Well I ended up buying both, it was hard not to buy it (even if it was the regular CD) in the store!

Wooohooo, I got... David Bowie... :| THANX A TON CDON!! :@ By the way, the bonus DVD has DTS stereo, whatever that is.

Tevensso, they’ve added DTS stereo, but are the videos of good quality??

I’m still waiting on the CD/DVD release in Australia :-(

I don’t know yet... still waiting for my replacement order.

I didn’t get round to watching the videos yesterday. Just put the DVD in to hear the instrumental Revel music - it’s the verse on the main menu and the chorus in the video selection menu. Very nice!!

edit: typo

Got my deluxe version today from cdon...but what about the box!!?? Has anyone got it yet????

I ordered yerterday at El corte Ingles”, they would call me when they received it, no news so far...

is the booklet the same on both versions?

Got my GH today! :D .. But no Box? Anyway, the GH looks great! Quite a trick to open it for the first time. Nearly broked it :$;)

case is ace for cd/dvd, i got my goldfrapp album like it, so took me to brake that one to figure how to open it lol

roxlad. if i remember correctly, the normal CD was to have a 12 page booklet and the deluxe CD 18 pages. Not sure if that has materialised though. I am not getting the normal version, and am waiting for the deluxe version to arrive.

I see... said the blind man :) Thanks Neil! I’m still undecided....

I got my box from CDON today... It looks great

Wonder when mine will arrive in the UK?

does your dvd in the roxbox work . my dosent... although other dvds works

What region is it? Does it just not play?


I’m a bit forgetful

ATLTK > It works fine in my player

Where the fuck is my roxbox.....Damn you cdon!

@pallis: they have forgot about my box too!! I sent them an angry email, to say the least...

Yea, I actually saw the RoxBox in the local cd-shop earlier this day. I thought I was going to get if before everyone else by preordering?

Anyone here who got their pre-order from Bengans yet?

Maybe they run out of supplys!

I would NOT be surprised if they had. Not having a dig at Bengens , but a lot of companies underestimate demand BADLY, so we’re all left flapping cos we can’t get what we want

Well they cant really use that as an excuse, as I ordered mine on 13/09, so theyve had plenty of time to order them in

I know they can’t but it still happens!

I also bought my GH album today and if i have it correct then i will get my ROX BOX tomorrow.


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