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New band - related to Roxette?

7 replies

This is Majdy’s husband, she said I could use her account to post this.

I found a new band which is from Gothenburg, Sweden, named “Love is All”.

Did they get their name from Roxette? Or is that just common phrase? I tried to find out on Google but couldn’t, thought someone here might know.

Hi Adam... nice find!

I’ll check them out!

Thanks, Ally77 - let me know if u find out.

wel is that song they stream is any indication on the site of their sounds they are a far stretch from roxette :)

Majdy I didn’t find out anything, but they are a good group... I can’t see to find an official site (yet!)

Yes, they certainly don’t sound like Roxette!

Their site is

How did you find that, I searched and came back with nothing!

Thank though!


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