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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Guess how many mistakes will be in the RoxBox ;)

8 replies

Single is out and it says The Rox Medley is 3:44, but it is 4:40... One wish, (at least) one mistake ;)

Ok, it’s not big deal, but it could be without any mistakes this time.

Nevertheless the box is coming... what could you write or do wrong on it? ;)

the tracklist of the entire box is a complete mistake ... he he ...

I guess 10!

i just there aren’t alot of misspellings in the booklet like the cbb tour book was full of

Its typos...they happen.

LOL. Gotta love these topics. ;) Oh, I’m sure both the ’RoxBox’ and new hits package will have their share of mistakes, namely the play time of the tracks. That’s where EMI screws up every time. I guess they don’t double check.

On 4 tracks single there is no mistake with Medley.

find 5 mistakes

Dave :)

I think there will be more mistakes than unreleased tracks :)


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