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Please vote for my Roxette reviews!

7 replies

Hello fellow fans!

Please vote for my Roxette reviews on eBay! Here are the links!! Please vote ‘Yes’ where it says ‘Was this Review Helpful’. This will bring more attention to Roxette’s albums. I know I might have at times, but it is all with good intention. ;-)

Here are the links:

Thank you guys!!!

ok, done it! since I spend a lot of time voting One Wish in every radio that all fans linked there is no difficult to make another votation ;), and it’s funny read about roxette and their work

Rather like Amazon...

By the way eBay changed there selling layout and I don’t like it at all!

Wrong topic, sorry.

I will not contribute to your “Top 1000 Reviewer” madness by marking your reviews one way or the other. You eBay egotist!!


Ha ha.. well thank you guys.. ;-)

It is just, if I get into the Top 100, I will win a voucher... ;-)

And here is another link of my personal favorite, Tourism:

Please vote guys. I’d be forever gratefull!! :-)



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