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One Wish - Video - on tv?

11 replies

Anyone seen the One Wish video on tv yet? Or is it not “released” as a video yet? Will it be when the single is released?

I never ever watch MTV or VH1 or ZTV, so I can’t say if it ever airs there.

Please write if it ever appears on tv. ;-)

i tell about me, i didn’t see it yet.

Well I think we can forget that MTV plays it. Roxette is to uncool for them!

lol mtv is to uncool for me as i see it. if i wanted to see women in thongs and rappers advertising gun crime i would go to a stripper bar and turn on the american news channel ! ! !

i was actually expecting it on VH1...I don’t have too much time to watch tv (except in the evenings). I watched “then and now” a few times. nuthin’...

MTV Sweden shows pretty much all the swedish artists who releases videos. If they don’t even get airplay there this will be the biggest flop ever.

German VIVA and VIVA2 and MTV Germany plays not Roxette.

i write on viva and mtv nothing answere!!!

I still wonder about Vh1, not about Mtv...Vh1 even played “Opportunity Nox” quite a lot actually.
If they won’t show up there in the next few weeks, then we DO have to face rox’s biggest flop ever.

and there is very little chance of seeing it in the UK!

A friend turned to mine today when I played it and said she’d heard it on TV...

@Max-Tob and others above: Unless you mean “outside of Sweden,” it’s too late for “One Wish” to be Roxette’s biggest flop - it’s already charting at radio and is hovering around the top of the downloads chart. A shame the video isn’t getting more attention though - it really is a nice clip.

go download the video from! It’s stunning in my opinion!


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