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What was the outcome with the Bravo show?

39 replies

Could someone tell me if it´s already CONFIRMED that they won´t perform live?
Are they returning the money back?
Thank u for helping :)

yea, good question, but i don’t think we wanna know...I’ve heard some rumours from some trustworthy mouths though..

why we won´t know?!
i have to know, i have 2 tickets (it means around 112 euros!) and i was traveling to Hamburg only for seeing them live :-/

It doesn’t change anything...
Per and Marie will (STILL) be a day before the show in HH to pre-record their performance. So, NO Roxette in the LIVE show on saturday evening!!!

what a shame!
ok, thank u anyway :-(

Yeah, I’m sorry for you!!
Any chance to cancel the trip and get back your money for the tickets ??

Statement from BRAVO!!

you must write to 1.10.2006!!! because of Ticket-return!!

Oh heck! I hope they’re prepared for this...

What? Confirmed? So the message from Roxette AND EMI isn’t enough to trust??
Roxette WON’T be at the Bravo show the day of the show, NO.

A message from Roxette????

the messages cames from EMI not from Roxette.

Well, we had our doubts because some called EMI and Bravo and both sides suddenly didn’t know anything about it. That’s why we asked for another official confirmation. Now we have it! Sad but true! I still don’t believe in theses strange logistical problems....anyway...if they (Roxette) don’t want to tell us it’s their right. It’s sad but it’s their right.

I think its really good of Bravo to offer a refund on the tickets...

I guess it’s very good because they don’t sell tickets, they sell magazines. So they want to keep their good image.

On the other hand... What is a “logistical problem”? :O

Well, from the sound of that statement from BRAVO, I’m willing to bet the “logistical conflict” has something to do with the fact that there’s an audience in the venue which they can’t simply send outside while Roxette are performing...

Yeah that definitely is the tone of the statement, not that there are logistical problems, but that roxette dont want to perform in front of an audience. Whether that is true or not, i suppose we’ll never know

Oh, thanks for the explanation, I just don’t happen to understand German as well as to get those nuances ;)

Well, I have just one wish: be honest to us fans. I wouldn’t be so disappointed if someone would have said in the beginning: look, we want to make a perfect performance but Marie is too nervous or afraid that something might go wrong... I wouldn’t have said anything! NOTHING! But this now went totally wrong and I’m for the first time since 17 years really really disappointed. Just about the fact that deep inside I feel that they are not honest with us. And I don’t ask for details! I accept privacy! We are all happy that Marie is healthy again but it’s for sure that she isn’t 100 % the person she was before! I accept her privacy and I’m happy that she is still with us! But maybe it’s time to tell us fans just a little bit more! At least when it effects their job!

I still don’t understand all the mess about this. Ain’t it clear enough?

not confirmed? so what do you think the message from EMI was? The guy from EMI Germany was bored and decided to write us a letter / statement just for fun? to see the fans’ reaction and come later and say “hahaha you know, it was all a joke!”?

Or even better, WE @ TDR mixed up the dates, suddenly thought it was April 1 and decided to spice up TDR a little bit?

Here is a rough translation of the statement from Bravo. I have left out the last paragraph which is basically just about claiming a refund

Hello dear roxette fans,
Over the last days it has been discussed whether roxette would appear at the Bravo Gala on 21/10

The fact is: despite all our efforts Roxette have decided only to be available for a pre-recorded performance without an audience. We’re really sorry about this. Because this is the only possibility to have roxette on the TV-show, we have agreed to these conditions.

To avoid further questions, we would like to state emphatically that this recording will take place without an audience.

Thanks for that Neil!

I’m also curious about the “logistical” problems,maybe the journalists at TDR can help us, the readers, to find out what it is?

If Roxette will perform live at the tv-shows ahead, Bingolotto, Världens barn etc. It might be good for the people who are planning to go there and see them if they actually will be there then. That day.

I think the “logistical conflicts” were simply an addition from Christian Wißmann (EMI Germany), which he used to make it sound ’better’. He didn’t make the contract he just forwarded this info because the date takes places in Germany.
In the official statement of EMI Sweden on you can’t find any “logistical conflicts”...

And if it’s not like this, I’ll took the explanation of Starrox ;-)

Hmm...One day before the Bravo-show, they have time. But one day later not? I think it will be a big audience at the tv-screens. Why they won´t take this chance? It must be something bigger than we expect.
Who knows, it could be, that marie doesn´t want to have to much trouble. Small audience and small tv shows ok, but big shows/concerts not anymore.
Or Per want to go fishing...with his son ;)

Sorry, but yes, for me it was not really clear untill now if it was confirmed or not, because when i knew about it i called and they said me that it was STILL no confirmed. That´s why i wanted to ask here and to share it with someone that maybe is in the same situation, before calling again.
But, i really don´t understand why some people seems to be so angry because of the question, like the moderators for example. Sorry, i only want my money back, if Roxette cannot go is ok, i don´t want to make controversy about this.
Anyway thank you for helping and ok, it´s a shame but... well, life continues! :-)

roxave, i am so sorry for you and i hope you will have back your money, however, you say it: life continues!

Very well said!

Didn’t mean to sound angry. Sorry about that.

What happend ? Well mail bravo and you’ll know excactly what happend and is gonna happen... I posted it here but got censored ... as always here... *LOL*

1 - Is it REALLY any of our business what the “logistical problem” may be?

2 - This information was posted here:

Somehow, I figured this was plain enough language to state that Roxette was NOT going to be attending the Bravo Gala. Those who bought tickets are apparently able to get a refund as long as they write by a certain date (October 1, 2006)

Yes “as always here.” If you don’t appreciate our “censorship” as you call it, then feel free to roam other forums. And even if you write “lol” it’s not that funny.

@Tevenso... Its funny... and its true... You censor all the time... But dont be affraid *G* Per wont come to your door and kick your ass... So dont censor... That=Dictatorship and Kommunism

May I ask, what your personal experiences with dictatorship and communism are?

From TDR’s rules:

Contrary to popular belief (or so it seems sometimes) this is NOT a completely open “forum.” How many times have we read some ill-informed subscriber state “I have the right to my opinion. I have the right to say anything I want to here, you can’t tell me to shut up” or something quite similar to that. First of all, no reader should ever tell another reader to “shut up” (see Rule #2). But we’ve said many times, in many places, that TDR reserves the right, like any other publication (especially a news-oriented publication), to edit (for brevity, clarity or violation of a set rule) or to completely unpublish any comment. Just because we currently give you the privilege of self-posting without prior review by a moderator, that doesn’t mean you have the right to “free speech” here, as the concept of free speech only applies in a public forum (a public park for example), and this is a privately-held publication. If you want to exercise that particular right on the Internet, start your own website or blog.

RJ1976: You are not funny.
Tevensso: You are doing a good job.
without moderators this place would be a mess.

I guess Bravo won’t pay back air tickets which lots of people already bought!!
So shame on BRAVO and whoever and forever!!

RJ1976 –you don’t understand what mean Dictatorship and Kommunism if you use such words against TDR’s moderators..

well, i wrote a mail where you told me and it seems that they will return the money.
So, c´mon, let´s get in good mood everybody!! :-D

good luck!

So... do we call you Dic, or Mr. Tator? (a la Animaniacs)

On this site
Bravo told people to send an e-mail before 1 october and that they would come back to the situation.
I have indeed send an e-mail, but have until now not received any answer back whether they take the tickets back (and pay the money back) or not.

If any of you receive (or already received) an answer, could you let this know here?

I am really curious (and hope to get my money back).

@harriej: I got an answer from them telling me that they are still in discussion how to solve the problem and that they will come back to me! They also excuse for the trouble! So I don’t know any details yet


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