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What´s behind SOAP music...

19 replies

Now after almost one year I feel something special behind SOAP project, that I never felt before. It´s very strange, very personal. I have no similar experiences with another Rox relatives. I didn´t love this album so much in the begining, it´s not a very catchy record, no Rox sound, no record played in REPEAT mode. But there´s something behind this music I find till now. Now I understand, why Per talked about his music legacy.

After almost one year, I can say I am not used to SOAP yet. I haven’t played it much, I’d say less than 10 times. For some reason, I’ve played the remixes more than the proper album tracks.

I played remixes much often too. But I feel something very personal with this double “LP”.

this album doesn´t mean a thing to me. i played it two times only. never listened to the whole of it, just skipped some songs only to find... there´s no track on it i really like. “like it like that” demo is the only one i like. but that is not on the album...

SOAP is a weird one for me. There are some songs that I really love on it, and some that I hate.

@abysmo: I can very well understand what you mean. The same happened to me when I listen to the whole album the other day. Simply great!!!

Well being a Per fan I was a bit sceptical before I heard this album. Even after getting it and a couple of plays I was like “oh dear’. But about a month later, it hit me. How creative is this man? 2003 Mazarin - very different to previous releases (and amazing!!), 2004 - F5F! - typical GT really, even if a few too many slower songs, then 2005 - SOAP. Again something so different.

I love this album, i play it quite often, it’s really nice as back ground music, and I lent it to a couple of people who hated Roxette and they love this album, and now they’ve looked at Roxette in a different way. Hell, even my Gran borrowed it!!! lol

it’s the best thing per has ever done. and i doubt he will ever be able to repeat the experience. that’s the real per.

There is something that is oddly different and makes it a very special album.

Maybe because it is more personal than his other work, or maybe just because alot of it is different to the other stuff that we’re used to hearing.

I think it’s about time i had a listen again.

I could give anything (including my impressive roxette collection!) for one more SOAP-like album and I mean it. I don’t know what he has put in in (it’s probably called “heart”) that he made it so damn good, so different and yet so gessle-ish. Unfortunatelly, I don’t really believe it’s a repeatable situation...

I still play this a lot, pretty much on in the car all the time!

hmmm. soap: i love some songs and i hate some songs. i have a party in my head is sooooo damn good.and speedboat to cuba is sooooo damn bad. but the good ones on this album are among the best ever made by mr.g. and it is definatly made with a lot of “heart”. a little bit of this “heart” is missing in the new rox ones, it was already missing in the hand and rs albums, but not in mazarin and gt - stuff. don´t know why, but mr.g. should try to record an album with marie in the style of soap - would be interesting to listen...

I have this feeling since the first time because of 1 song.Later another 2 songs touched me deep.. and they are always in my mp3 player ;-)

I would like to hear some of SOAP songs made in Roxette mode :-)

SOAP was not able to beat Mazarin, both musically and in terms of commercial success. Mazarin was very personal too, but it didn’t sound as strange as SOAP did. For some reason, SOAP doesn’t mean much to me. My favourite track is “I never got...” Well, the one with the largest title that also mentions the Beatles, hehe. That’s my fav song from the album. I’d make 1-CD “Favorites from SOAP”, because many tracks sound like fillers to me. This is the tracklist:

01. Drowning in wonderful thoughts about her
02. Jo-Anna says
03. I have a party in my head (I hope it never ends)
04. C’mon
05. Hey Mr DJ (won’t you play another love song)
The Junior Suite:
06. Are you an old hippie, sir?
07. Double-headed Elvis
08. Something in the system
09. Speed boat to Cuba
10. Come back tomorrow (and we do it again)
11. I never quite got over the fact that the Beatles broke up
12. A girl like you
13. Carousel
14. I like it like that
15. Brilliant career
16. Burned out heart
17. Drowning in wonderful thoughts about her (reprise)

I also like the remixes for Mr. DJ and “Beatles”. But anyway, I tend to like more “Mazarin” and “Scener”.

Yeah, it’s a great album... While I wouldn’t say I liked it as much as ’Mazarin’ or ’TWATG,’ it’s not really comparable, and of course it’s no shame in losing out to those two, since they’re just brill-i-ant.

I’m loving the instrumentals on the album more and more - they used to be “nice but skippable” however now I never do.

I think SOAP beats Mazarin in quality - technically speaking, the arrangements are way much better; creatively speaking, he gave out more than he did in 2003. Mazarin is beautiful and simple. SOAP is beautiful and has class.

I know what I don’t like about SOAP, the lyrics! OK, maybe Joanna makes some sense, but the rest of it is just, hm?...
I think Per is getting worse in English the older he gets. Or perhaps, he hasn’t been practising enough lately? :)

Rox On!

I agree with IV Rox: the lyrics are always more or less about the same matter. The arrangements of SOAP are pretty boring in my opinion, too flat. Mazarin is not a rock album either, but the sound is very sparkling. SOAP failed on me, maybe it is too much serious (musically). For example, instrumentals is a genre I am not interested in.

ehm...may I ask politely what’s wrong with the lyrics of “Something Happened Today” or “Later on” or “Burned out heart” or “C’mon” or “I like it like that” or “Drowning in wonderful thoughts...” or “Carousel”? I think Per expressed in some of those songs very deep feelings of his own. Nothing bombastic or emphatic like in roxette’s ballads, but rather meaningful lyrics at a human-level. I find the “Burned out heart” lyrics really very extremely meaningful. It’s the feeling of loss that comes with the age, that’s why there’s so much fussy jo-anna around, I think. Well, Mazarin also had very good lyrics, but SOAP lyrics are far from being meaningless too; Double-Headed Elvis or Are you an old...are just games, they are not supposed to make much sense.

I do believe that what it’s behind SOAP is the true will of a group of musicians in order to make songs full of feelings, heart, and overall, PURE MUSIC.

At least that’s what I get when I listen to the album :)


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