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OW single in UK stores 9/25

69 replies

“NOTE: These dates are for the release of the actual CD into the shops, rather than downloads (unless we’ve said ’download’, obv). Also, release dates change all the time, so double check with your local CD shop before leaving the house... “

Guess it’s one of those silent releases (no radio promo, etc..)

Actually there is already a topic floating around about this but I can’t find it.....

We’re known this for weeks, it’s been on that site for about a month or more... does not actually mean it will get released then!

OW is 100% NOT getting released in the UK on Monday. It is listed on amazon for 9/10 but as an import, so whether we actually get to see any copies in our local record shop is anyones guess, but i seriously doubt it

I doubt it also!

Who wants to take bets. The first person to go into HMV/Woolies to check!! lol

Don’t bother people, it’s so not out today in the UK

Well I didn’t see it in HMV or Virgin

Not on Play, but is on Amazon...wierd...

Amazon is an import though... I think we can say it’s not gonna get released here in the UK!


I think you’re right Ally - it’s not gonna happe :-( It’s a shame, but sorta expected

Nope no release date according to HMV it doesn’t exist, and neither do any of the combinations of the Compilation album :(

Im not sure, I think that it will get released here but not till NOVEMBER when they are here doing promotion for it!!!! but maybe thats just wishful thinking.


and completely pointless to release it at a different time than Europe as most people will import it...

The GH is now listed on HMV (both the single CD and deluxe version). No single or Roxbox though.

But they dont need to release the song everywhere at the same time so they might still release it here u just never know!


Finally on HMV! Wow great for letting us know Neil!

Finally on Virgin too, but no RoxBox on their site.

I am sure they will sell it. They should have a few copies.


Amazon are now stocking both the GH and deluxe GHs too. Still no box or single. Probably all we will get now. My box is coming from CDON so I dont really care anymore.

Virgin must have just been updated today, as it wasnt on the website yesterday

i checked all these sites the other day

and hmv

all had a release date of 16/10 for the albums (no RoxBox)

If OW is to be released as a single here on 9/10 , I say we mass download it next week then it may count towards the chart .

New chart rule will be inforced from January so that any download counts and not if it is released as a cd single.

I think you can say One Wish is not gonna be released!

Oh well, it wouldn’t have got promoted anyway, and would’ve been another failed single in the UK for Roxette. It’s better that it’s not released if there’s not gonna be any promo for it

Can say we at least tried!

and it really looks like we are not even getting a UK release of the Rox Box... no shops stop it and I got no reply from Marie Dimberg when I asked her two weeks ago about a possible UK release...

So perhaps Per is really coming to London for his Christmas shopping in Harrods....

Perhaps I am having a bad day, but I am seriously pissed off with this whole release stuff / promo!

I seriously think it’s just a case of milk the 20th anniversary as much as possible for money!

So tempted to cancel my order with CDON.... why buy something when they seem that they don’t really care about what the fans think!

@ally77: Just out of curiosity, would it seem like any less of a money-making scheme if they did release the single and box in the UK and other territories? The logic being, of course, that you can’t make money if you’re not selling a product...

obviously a money makin thing... the quality of the 2 new songs sound so rushed as well!! its just in time for xmas!! so best time to make money;)

i think pers business skills are better than his musical skills lately ;)

Yes I think it would still seem a money making thing if it was released in the UK as the single is of poor quality as is the GH.....

Hmm I can see what you mean Ally BUT - I think the GH is as good as it could be. Both P+M look at their “coolest” on this cover - as much as WE might love a new picture as a cover - people here in the UK for example would take them as serious if their pictures are recent ones - it happens with all artists this age - the Dire Straits and M.Knopfler GH that I got for my brother just has a guitar with a sky background.

Having said that I think the two new songs are pretty good. Reveal is of great quality. One Wish is good but I am sure I will tire of it like I did with Real Sugar.

As for the single cover - I don’t really know what to say about that. It’s not even that I dislike it (not completely) but why use a different font etc and make it seem so unrelated to the rest of the “anniversary package” ? I think someone made a balls up there.

Latest info on local releases from EMI UK/Ireland;

Digital ? Bah ! What’s the point in that ? It already is on iTunes isn’t it? Along with the Rox Medley - oh so now we can download IMHBL (CFTBH) and TTM too ? But wait - they are already there too :S What a joke !

And no Box ! Starting to agree with Ally but I already have the box from CDON so I don’t really care too much !

Know it’s somewhat disappointing ...thought really that the single would be released in the UK when reading the pressrelease ...until I saw the notice in the corner; ’digital download single’. :o(

Thank God there’s online recordstores these days :o)
By the way, does anyone know if Bengans ship orders only when everything is in stock, or do they send out stuff already when orders are partially in?

and everyones so surprised.

*still sitting in the not surprised corner of the forum*

i so can’t wait to add the new GH to my cd shelf along with my ’95 DBUGTTC and ’03(or whenever it was) TPH & TBH


Sorry but I just don’t see the point nice though it is for all you collectors out there to have a different version ( which will be the euro version anyway)

nuts, don’t buy downloads...9th, thats next week! Holy moley!

Ha Ha no surprise there then.....

and no box..... well that really annoys me....

I think Neil hit it on the head, Per was in London for the BMI thing.... nice to know us Brits get something right but we’re not worthy for the Rox Box to be released.... (yet good enough to use for photo shoots...) ummmmmmmmmm

**turns off sarky mode**

why release something that won’t sell?

a GH cd will most likely shift more units than the RoxBox would here in the UK, any part time rox fan isn’t going to spend £40 or so quid for a few songs they liked back in the 90’s where as they might fork out £10 for a cd full of all the songs they liked.

its no surprise and no amount of stamping feet and toys out of prams will change the decision.

*still sat in the not surprised corner of TDR*

Digital downloads are fine, but without a commercial release it is very unlikely to be picked up by radio (not that it would be anyway), also it is not eligible to chart without the release of a physical single (not that it would chart anyway)

I’ve got all my stuff ordered anyway, so i couldn’t care less if it was released in the UK or not. Would be nice to see them in the shops, but I would rather it’s not released at all, then to release it with some half-arsed promotion!

It’s just the lack of promotion for everything that is so annoying!

seen it all before LOL

Just ordered my RoxBox from the link on and it goes to

(Just click on the English flag at the bottom)

It works out at £36 shipped!!!! BARGAIN!

Ordered it from CDON a few weeks ago.... still don’t actually know why I did! Oh yeah I think I wanted to book in it rather than the songs! lol

I just want the book really. And the Staring At The Ground demo which I haven’t got. But I know what that’s gonna sounds like. Basically the same production, but with per singing?? lol

Good grief what a miserable bunch you are!

Whatever Roxette want and whatever their most obsessed fans want, record releases are controlled by record companies and record companies are businesses who exist to make money. The record company are not going to release a box-set and physical single just to indulge around 50 fans as it will lose them money and make no difference to sales of the product they are actually trying to promote and make money from (i.e. the 20 track Greatest Hits).

@ Paul SATG demo... is rather nice!

ordered the rox box from begnans - or whatever it’s called, and the other two from CD-Wow. Cheap as chips!

really disappointed with all the lack of promotion, but from one of Rox’s most loyal fans, you know what I’m bored of the whole debate.

Roxette really aren’t that bothered with it anymore - so I’m not.

If anything its a dissappointment!

Okay I feel a real sense of relief now from sharing One Wish.... I just bought it from iTunes! :)

Phew I shall sleep so much better this evening....

Did any UK fans find out if the Rox Box is being released in the UK?

Still nothing my end!

makes me laugh people saying rox box is cheap, anyone wanna buy me one LOL. cos i dont think its cheap !.

Well Im only 18 and I think £35 for the material is actually not too bad - it doesn’t matter if you have it. 78 songs and a DVD of all their videos + MTV Unplugged for £35 certainly ISNT expensive. Just a broke teenagers point of view.

Its not priced to bad from Sweden CDON....

@chrisjan - had no idea you were only 18!! Must be on of the youngest one’s here???

Only 6 days to the release now..... Is everyone excited????? :-p

Well hoping CDON will mail out those boxes on Monday and normally only take 2 days from Sweden so we could be listening next Wednesday! :)

Yeah I am slightly excited! :)

I am actually going to go into a record store next week and just buy the album off the shelf if I can find it... you know just for the hell of it!

That’s what I’m gonna do Ally. Our brand spanking new HMV opens on Monday (a first for Guernsey!!) and I’m gonna buy it from there!!!

Cool! :) It’s crazy but it’s still thrilling to buy a Roxette album off the shelf!

AGGHHH could the box be coming that quick! excited now, i ordered it a couple of weeks ago from CDON for 40 quid (which im not complaining about). I have never known when it was getting released tho!

So when is GH out here? i heard a rumour it was next monday? is that true? i will be buying it in the shop too for old times sake.

Claire it’s out on the 16th next week, and CDON usually deliver quick!

Anyone else having problems registering with CDON? I fill in the form, press submit and it just brings back a blank form, every time.

I’ve been registered for years on there, so I don’t quite remember how it goes....

One Wish was played on UK AM station, Capital Gold earlier, they said it’s out Monday......????????

Well the Roxette Hits album is out on monday so it is true kinda ...

Ohhh! Well they didn’t say that... I did wonder. ;) Oh well... that explains that one then!

I do wonder....

It got radio airplay?? In the UK?? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, if it got radio airplay, have promo’s been sent to stations?? Hmm..... Wish someone would just say yes or no!!!

Perhaps they have as it has been released as a download single. But not many stations would think of playlisting it unless it was released as a commercial single. They could also be playing it from the promo of the GH album, which probably has been sent to stations, as it is being released on Monday

Very true, I’ve had Manchester stations on the radio a lot this week but have not heard it!

One Wish was on Capital Gold again today... but like chrisjankunas says, they might mean the album is out Monday... they didn’t specify. I just assumed they meant the single.


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