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Per Likes This Gift(NOT!)...

20 replies

he prob gets people giving him things all the time...but it looked as tho he meant it when he said thanks

Per looks really like he enjoyed this gift from some dodgy german roxetter fansite/forum...

I like the bit where he says “WOW!” at the end of the video LOL

He will proberly use the naff t-shirt to wipe/clean his window’s with at home! LOL

I never meet Per in person and seeing him acting like that is something totally new for me. I mean, it’s not like an interview where he smiles all the time and is nice and everything is perfect. Here he talks different, he looks tired, looks real. I think he liked the gift.

This is a new Per to me, a Per I never knew!!

This may sound stupid, but I’m amazed, I got goosebumps when I saw it. It was like meeting him!

I think he seems embarrassed...why else would he repeat thank you thank you all the time...? Not sure he likes what he got, but he might be wearing the Tshirt to a gym, as he promised :D

I’m going with the windows, but still, its quite sweet!

ehm...don’t think is about liking or not liking the gift. as far as i can hear, he says he’ll wear the tshirt at the gym. he’s clearly embarrassed and wants to be expeditive towards the whole situation. very unemotional and distant, i’d say, but kind and polite as always...After all, it was a signing session, he must have been very tired. But on the other hand I’m sure he wouldn’t have been more enthusiastic or more touched if he would have been met on the street and approached for a similar purpose. this man is very good at keeping distance but at the same time, you never really find anything to reproach to his behavior. Which is normal I guess. He gets too many presents and too much attention. He can’t smile and show familiarity with every person on this earth that saw him on tv.

I work with kids and the amount of times I’ve had to say “*gasp* WOOOOW what a GREAT picture!!! It’s so beauuuutiful, can I stick it on the wall?” You have to at least pretend to like stuff! It’s nice for Per to act happy, who knows maybe he did like it.

There’s a similar moment on Really Roxette where a fan gives Marie some gift and tells her it’s the only one in the world or something, and Marie tries so hard to look impressed LOL!

while thinking “Get a life!” :D :D

I suppose a signing session like this must be pretty tiring...seeing one fan after the other, and making polite small talk. He was polite and friendly, although it does seem that he didnt really want to be there. I doubt if the t-shirt even made it home to be honest

He really had a bad day. And it’s funny to read reactions about a video that never should have made to to YouTube. It was meant to stay somehow “secret”. BTW: I filmed this and I can tell you that Per had some trouble with his stomach this day. We were about six-eight ppl there and WE had a nice day. ;-)

I am happy that I cut the video and only made this one minute available. The whole video is about 35 minutes long, hihi. And you can’t stand watching it - too wiggly.

I felt really bad for the fans.

Great video! :)

If I was going to give him a tshirt, mine would say ’One rhyming dictionary- barely used’

whatever: *ROFL*! :D

i think pers job is sometimes like my job at a discotheque. doing the wardrobe of the guests. its a nice job but if some men come back drunk, thinking they are the funniest and most interesting men on earth and can’t stop getting on your nerves, you just think: “damn, not again tose retarded stinking bums, where’s my tazer”.

so, where’s the gaffa tape for the happy smile? ;)

I don’t get it. To my eyes and ears (especially now knowing that he had some stomach trouble that day)... it seems to me that Per really liked this gift. Of course he’d say “thank you” to any such gift, but Per’s NOT the kind of person that would say “I’m going to wear it to the gym” and not believe that to be true in his head at the time he said it. And the “wow” at the end of this clip was genuine.

I don’t understand people suggesting, based on watching this, that he wasn’t genuinely pleased.

He may well have been, but I’ve met them many times and they get a lot of gifts, and it’s their job to be pleasant and gracious. I’m sure they don’t care about or keep 99% of the gifts, but they are both kind enough to at least act happy. Not all celebrities would!

True, true...I think its nice people go to the effort to do stuff like this!

I think he sounded geniune....

I’d never give him a shirt again, haha. But this was kind of an insider joke for those who were part of this. We brought Marie a six-pack of German beer last year and she truly was happy. ;-)

I think he was geniune. I mean maybe his gym short had ripped just that day and then got a new one? :-))

But, seriously, I think he’s geniune

LEO is right
If you have talk with Per even once you would know that he is geniune..

In the matter of fact once we gave him T-shirt as a gift :-)))))))))
It was after Stockholm Mazarin concert :-))
And he even ask if the T-shirt is clean so he can put it on :-))))


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