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marie's first husband

27 replies


i read somewhere (a while ago) that micke is marie’s second husband. can anyone tell me if this is true, and if so, who was she married to and when?



yeah, i also read that she had been married before in 1983 but only for 3 months. don´t know if it´s true

Hi, all that I know is that the first husband was the drummer Pelle from the Roxstaff. When she was married I don´t know!!

Wasn’t it a marriage between Marie and Cornelis Vreeswijk? Or did she ’only’ have a relationship with him?

does someone hav a pic of this pelle? or what is his surname, there are many!!!

Pelle? Cornelis? I thought she was married to Gert Claesson..

Pelle Alsing? really?

Taken from

Claeeson, Gert: Marie’s first husband. The marriage only lasted a couple of months and was around 1981-2 and never gets mentioned.....


Marie was never married to Pelle Alsing :S

Per confirmed it a few years ago too. I heard that the tabloids discovered it early in Marie’s career and EMI covered it up. I’ve also heard rumours that Per’s song T-t-take It is about the marriage, who knows if it’s true.

Indeed it was Gert.... With Cornelis she had a relationship...

Sorry when I was wrong!! I had read it in an old article from Bravo....

there is a Pelle Andersson (D7V), I think she was with him.. or?

i read that her first husband was CLAEESON GERT(times ago)

i think its funny no one knows for 100 % who maries first hubby was lol.

does it matter?

As far as I know her first husband was Gert Claesson. And I think he´s the drummer of a swedish metal band called Leather Nun. I´m not sure but it was I´ve heard...

As far as I know you are all wrong. Can’t tell you who it is though. I seriously doubt Marie ever had something to do with Cornelis... relationship wise that is.

Who´s it then? And how do u know that and u have so sure?


As far as I remember she was married to Gert Claesson (a drummer) and got divorced in Sept ’83
—> Johan Kinde
—> Hans Bärtilsson
—> Micke Bolyos

This thread has proved one thing- they have done an excellent cover up! (and no, I don’t know either)

To be perfectly honest, I don’t need to know either.

she never had a relationship with cornelis vreeswijk .

never never .

There’s only one person who can really answer any of these theories, and that’s Marie, and somehow I think it ain’t happening any time soon. I’ve heard Gert Claesson’s name mentioned through the years, Per confirmed once that Marie had been married but never gave a name that I recall. Unless she writes some tell all book about her life (can you really see Marie doing that?) I don’t think we’ll find out.


You guys forgot Lasse Lindbom :)

(even if they weren’t married)...!!!

/edit; typo

I do remember reading in an old roxette review from the fan club that it was Gert Claesson, so if it wasnt him then they were wrong. It does seem that the whole thing has been very hush hush. If someone gets divorced after only a couple of months then either they rushed into it far to quickly after knowing each other for a very short time, or something big happened between them. I guess we will never know, and nor should we as it is really none of our business....doesnt stop us being intrigued though!

No, it’s not our business, but really, how many scandals has Marie been involved in? I can’t help it, I like this little mystery...:-)

Of course it’s not our business, but it doesn’t stop us being curious. Brad and Ange aren’t my business either but I still poke around the tabloids to find out if they split up or not ;)


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