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Stop Moaning Please!!!

17 replies

Why can’t people just stop all this moaning and appreciate that ROXETTE are still here and recording songs and still giving us releases 20years down the line.

JUST GET A GRIP OF YOURSELF’S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That’s now that I consider a useless thread.

No news, nothing to added to the conversation
–> plz. stick to the forum rules as LEO would say :o)

FUNNY THAT!!!! I thought the front page is the news site not the discussion forums!

Roxette Scottish Fan.

I find it ironic that YOU are moaning about moaners.



I really think you guys should start thinking about calming your nerves down. There’s no reason to start talking to each other like this. You guys should espect and be nice to each other. It’s part of the TDR rules.

Also, there is not need for another thread about this topic. There have been many threads about this very topic recently. Therefore, i really believe we don’t need another one. Especially because all that had to be sad concerning this issue has been said.

Once again, be respectful towards each other. sadly, otherwise, threads in which there are attacks thrown at other members will end up eventually being archived.

Be nice! :-)

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

ROFLOL @ Steven!!!!!! Best comment of the day!

ahem i only moan when i am feeling pleasure i GROAN when i am disappointed heheh english 101

I am having a moan....

Is there anyone else that is slightly annoyed with the way the whole 20th anniversary stuff is going / has gone....

or is it just me that is sat here thinking it’s a load of crap.... and just a money making scheme!

And the worst is that many people seem to be blind about all this.

ally77 i totally agree . as for moaning, soon as u get to england or people that live here. U have to moan its in small printed on a passport lol.

lol, I loved that last line!

@ally: I am with you :-)) For me, the Rox-20 is the greatest disappointment in Rox-History. It is only about the money.

I am from Germany, and we can moan too :-)

I keep listening to SOAP :-)

Oh yeah *moaning button on*
I’m disappointed about these strange unprofessional promotour.
Per alone in the UK, Per alone at Nyhetsmorgon, all TV-shows will be pre-recorded and of course that’s only because of logistical problems. (ROFL)
Why don’t they trust us enough to tell at least us fans the real reason? As long as I don’t get any statement I have to believe that Marie has only some problems with maths and reading. Okay.....
I’m just a stupid fan. I have to stay silent and buy their things if I want. Okay...
Fact is: Per and Marie have never ever treatened us like that before!
Explain....! Give me a reason to understand and I will be happy again!
*Moaning button off*
The rest is just fine! I like the single, TDR is doing a great job, the Rox Box will probably be very nice and I’m really happy indeed that they are releasing at least something!

I still don’t understand what is wrong with pre-recorded shows????
I haven’t seen anything else on Spanish TV shows (neither German that I remember) since I’m a Rox fan. I’ve attended a couple of these recordings myself so I know what I’m talking about, what is unprofessional about that?

That’s the normal promotion you see on TV are pre-recorded - artists tend to prefer that because they aren’t as prepared for these performances as when they are on tour. It is more comfortable for them because they can make 2-3 takes and combine them (for example, the Spanish TVE special was recorded twice, so yes, we saw them perform the songs twice even though they were just once on TV ;))

Anyway, if it makes you happier to complain about this, have fun then :P

@ Judith...

It just seems a little dis-organised the whole Rox 20 stuff... like something missing.... yet even I don’t know what!

Who knows maybe there is a surprise around the corner we don’t know about!

LOL, a thread titled Stop Moaning has become the offical moan thread. That’s cool irony hehe.

It certainly is a half assed 20th Anniversary, how different things would have been if Marie never got sick. Instead of moaning, we should all donate the money we would spend on a concert ticket to a cancer charity, and maybe help find the cure for the f***ing disease that took her from us.

Nice one Sparv!!! Nice suggestion!

Have to admit, Cancer charitys are the one thing I donate to a lot anyway.... along with some Animal and Kidney charties!


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