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OW video really 3D or just chromatic aberration?

14 replies

I have read some TDR users saying the new video is in 3D. And I have several problems with that. First is that I can not really test it, because neither I have those kind of glasses nor they would serve anything for me since I’ve never been able to see that 3D rubbish but in very special cinemas. That’s why I would like to discuss it from another point of view. :D

First, that some people think it’s 3D images is due to the borders of the figures in the images changing to different colours. I can’t contradict that fact, although it could be many more things than 3D. The main problem for me with accepting this theory is that we can see those “effects” both in the new and in the background images from older videos. While I don’t happen to know how the new images are recorded (I only know they use green Chroma-key), it’s impossible to create a depth perception effect without using 2 cameras. May be 2 cameras were used in the new, but the old videos are all flat and have that aspect as well, so in them it wouldn’t work.

Then another problem is that, especially in Marie’s shot, the border colours lag (in time) behind the actual image. In 3D stereoscopy it is absolutely necessary for all the images to be perfectly synchronous. So in those Marie shots wouldn’t theoretically work.

Then, in Per’s shot especially, it’s not always the same colours on the same sides. Let me tell you this is absolutely necessary because the glasses blind one of the images for being made of the same colour. So if you keep changing the colours, the 3D won’t work again.

In my humble opinion, those colours have nothing to do with 3D. It’s the director playing with 3 concepts mainly. First, it tries to convey the relationship of Roxette with the age of television, especially older television. So it tries to mantain all the clip long the colours of the testing pattern generators that shows in the beginning. Younger people don’t know much about this, but before tv channels began emissions every day there used to be those patterns, with which you could adjust the receptor.
Then, those “less digital” border colours are faked chromatic aberration, like the one you get with poor quality (or old, or bad adjusted) lenses. They play with this a lot as we can see.
Finally, the video makes use of old-style animations that remember of arcade videogames.

I think with all that the video just makes a travel in time, a revival of the 80’s tv esthetics, and could be that even fakes 3D because that was so popular then, but it can’t be said to be a 3D video.

What can you add to all this?

I never really thought this video was a 3D video. I’ve watched a couple of animated 3D movies here at my nearby movie theater, and because of that, i really don’t see any resemblance to a 3D movie.

For me, it’s just a trick with the 3 colors RGB and also with super-imposed images.

To end, this video really does take the viewer in a ride through the 80’s all the way to “One Wish”. :-)

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

it´s just a “secondary” or side effects that some of the images seem to be 3d. it would happen with any image...

i did an exagerated example here

Good experiment!! lol :-)

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

Has anyone tried to see my picture with those glasses? Am I 3 dimensional? :DD

I don’t have a pair of 3D glasses around right now... ;)

If you see the video in slow motion, at 2:35, you can see some words... something like this:
ut.Vi hakdo
pengarna för
en til Bankgir
älva med so

Can’t you see in normal rate...
What it means????

pengarna för = money for :)

Now that i’ve read what chromatic aberration is, i’d say thats what it is in the clip. Basically just an effect for the clip.

From everything that i’ve read about 3D, it only uses the red & cyan colours (with the goofy glasses) as Santi explained, where the red image is seen by one eye and blue the other, therefore the slight variation in view gives the impression of depth to the image.

The fact that most of the effects in the clip seem to be almost like a shadow effect also points to it not being 3D.

Although it would no doubt look quite strange looking thru coloured glasses.

It was! Borrowed some off a friend, it doesn’t appear to be 3D, but wasn’t looking really close to see if it worked properly

Maybe they’ll include some 3D paper glasses in the rox box ;-) (just kidding)

Anyway I like the effects on the video, really a good job.

No, that would then discount all the singles sold (according to UK chart rules)

My tongue in cheek comments started all this - how exciting!

So it was YOU who made it up!! :D LOL

It made me think, thank you! ;D

ut.Vi hakdo
pengarna för
en til Bankgir
älva med so

Well, what InterTran made of it was

hakdo money for a til Bank transfer fairy clockwise



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