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EMI promote Roxette website

26 replies

Now it’s working!

It’s cool that the songs on the site follow the tracklisting of the GH CD.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

Coming soon!!

Yeah - about time EMI promoted them!!!!!!!!!

Excellent site.

I think the screensavers are cool too!

For those who havent heard it yet, on this site you can listen to Reveal...

Wow, very nice.

About time they did something. Now if Per gets the official site updated, and there’s some big promo, who knows what will happen!!

Cool! Finally some uptodate official site. “The future” sounds good! :-)

Thias was taken from that site, wow :)

The site is great!!
I hope they add more content, it’s too empty...

why don;t they collabarate with the guys at



seems to be the same link posted on front page :)

Yes same link different address.... great promo and I love the TV advert they have come up with..... great insight into Roxette...

and big thanks for those screensavers I was getting so bored with my self made one!

@Judith: Yes, but this one here was posted earlier ;-)

hm.. doesn’t work for me?

As there is written “Coming soon”, I think the newly edited link won’t work for anybody ;-)

I cannot even reach - dns not spread is my guess :)

Me neither. is being updated too I’ve heard. I won’t hold my breath.

Not working for me too!

Carlos E., New York

OK, after that Myspace thing, can’t listen to Per talk and not giggle...

I think this is great (couldn’t work out why there was no voiceover, don’t worry I worked it out for myself, silly girl)). Loving the advert! And it has Stars on it too, woohoo!

It’s me again!,hehehe,can you put the video on rapidshare to download?!
Thx in advance!

I can’t open :(

@ substitute:

You can also go to’s ROX20 site >> >> enter the video section >> from there you can download the Roxette Greatest Hits video trailer.

Or if you wish the direct link is (just right-click and choose “save target as” or just paste the link into your preferred download manager should you use one):

Hope this might help. :)

Wait, when did they get Wasn’t the domain owned by some random person in Stockholm or something?

Yes, he was holding the domain hostage... trying to get ransom for it. Since domain names are no longer viewed as being the commodity they once were, and since his ransom demands were not met for years... one can assume that he was finally willing to sell it for nothing much more than the registration fees he paid over the years.

I doubt that the advertisigin video will ever see the light of out sweet TV’s at home.. it is way too long and would cost WAY too much money to use this clip for promotion purposes.. is in good hands. It’s registered under

Where exactly is it possible to listen Reveal on this website? I tried, and couldn´t figure it out...


You have to skip few songs to get Reveal snippet :-) Just try a little bit harder ;-)


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