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Was OpportunityNox basically a love...

16 replies

song for Marie? If you really listen to the lyrics and know much about their past, I believe that it was definetly a love song for Marie....

how do you mean?

eh? “I’m living in a box but I’m out when opportunity nox”???!

Still don’t get it...break it down for me will ya?

“I was in love w/ your hair...” meaning Marie’s short blonde spiky hair style...”Living in a box...” would be Per’s music career basically going know where until he teamed up w/ Marie..You guys need to look “deeper” into the song...”Well, I liked you, I couldn’t think of anything “but” you...!!!! Come on folks use your noodles....

Somebody lost theirs...

Per’s married!

I think Its about a guy and a girl never ending up together cause they are both waiting for the other to make the first move.

I am living in a box (private, close personality)
but I am out when ON (only when someone else does something I am open to more experiences)

and in this case they are both wainting for the other

vtech are crappy kidz computers, and so are you’re humor *LOL*

His been married since long my friend :)

c´mon all Roxette songs could be dedicated to Marie if you listen to them deeply... let´s see: “..but i can always tell, you rather be alone with some other guy...” (Real sugar) talking about Marie´s husband for example! LOL all roxette balladas can mean something for Per but i´m sure he just write everything thinking of his lovely wife, that´s all.
by the way, if i have to chose one song that i would like to be a love song for Marie from Per it would be “Fading like a flower”, really lovely and deep

I think you shouldn’t take it so seriously. Love songs sell (at least it seems so) and that’s why he tries to explore the possibilities in human relationships thru the lyrics.
I’m sure he doesn’t mean about 90% of the things he writes. It’s just pop poetry, he’s not declaring...

No I don’t think that this is a song for Marie.

I wonder if the lyric “I’m living in a box but i’m out when opportunity nox” means that living your life normally but then an opportunity comes up to go wild and maybe its about going out and having a wild partying night? that’s what I always thought about this lyric.

I always thought a good video clip for this would be Per driving across a bridge into New York in a ferrari (speeding) a really cool one, just getting to a really packed out club in time when the chorus starts and he runs out on stage with a guitar (the band is already there) Meanwhile the cameras are going really fast through the crowd dancing where everyone is dancing like maniacs to the song but it goes in slo-mo for a few seconds when Per sings the slo-mo lyric - I don’t know that’s what I picture when I listen to Opportunity Nox.

Cool idea! I’d like that!

I agree with Santi about the pop poetry. But there are songs that I would connect with Marie. “Jag tror du bär på en stor hemlighet” for example. For me it’s about Marie. It was written in November 2002 and fits perfectly. ;-)

Per never really means what he writes in his lyrics, Santi is definitely right. Well, maybe apart from that theme that kept coming back over the past few years with the girl that turned him down and will never be his. Well, it must be some old sad experience from his youth that keeps coming back now that he´s older.
But why do people always think is about Marie? I guess that´s sooooo childish. The man has his own life and his own persons that is fond of, just accept that!


Living in a box but I’m out means that you will only persue new ventures once someone else start it.

for instance: You will not tell someone you like them unless she tells you that she likes you first


Living in a box but I’m out means that you will only persue new ventures once someone else start it.

for instance: You will not tell someone you like them unless she tells you that she likes you first

i’m sorry i had to laugh a love song? op nox was well lol i’m gonna be nice, it was a nice distraction lol

When I think about a song that reminds of Per and Marie I would have to be I don’t believe in accidents....fits them perfectly don’t you think?

Opportunity Nox a love song? I don’t think so...


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