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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Bravo 50 Birthday Show

42 replies

Roxette is gonna be there ...

And I am to *Huuuurrraaaayyyy*

Was my birthday present... So .... Im soooooo happy

Anyone else here’s gonna go ?

No one *Crrrryyyy* ?

I wish I could...But I am hoping that they’ll show up in Finland later on this year. Even Marie - we aren’t that far away ;)

if i got the time for it, i’m gonna show up :D

Then you gotta hurry up... They said on RTL today that its
almost sold out :)

good luck with the TT and Tokyo Hotel fans ;D

Thanx Judith .... *L* I forgot about those *Cryyy*

Anyway... Just cool what Tokio Hotel has done ! Theu have succes... :)

Tokyo Hotel will also be there???


uhm i think i’ll just snipe for them swedes at the hotel or arena...

Hej zaccharine, are you still alive??

any good seats left??????

Not now I don’t think, unless you’re an A and R, or know an A and R...

No, not at all. You can have a look here:$330789

Click on SAALPLANBUCHUNG at the bottom of the page.

I must say some of their songs (or the only one I know?) is catchy, but the guy sings awfully - good for you(r ears) it will most likely be playback :D

Doesnt matter :) Im gonna see Per and Marie on Stage *JumpJump*

@Kiwein1- it won’t let me!

Click on the logo. It’s followed by a pop-up window.

is this good or bad
block =O6 seat row 4
they´re singing playback

Unfortunately I can’t go there but will be sitting at home and watch it on TV!

THX FOR NOTHING PER... No longer a fan because of
you ignorance, selfishnes, and and and... You used the
attention of this show...

Look above... People bought tickets because of you !

Shame on you ! You are an ass !

Please feel free to delete my profile !

@ RJ1976

Why are you blaming Per? Does the press statement from Bravo state it’s his fault.... get over yourself...

Its Pers fault and no one elses... His just a regular ass..

Noticed that with the release of the tracklist... If Marie is
sick he could come with Helena...

just archive this one too

Per’s not the one to blame. I don’t think there’s anyone to blame but BRAVO. They didn’t make clear that Roxette won’t be there on the 21st. That’s all. It’s a big disappointment for all those with tickets since I am quite sure that there’s no chance to give them back. We will see.

I was just talking to the promoter of the show bravo in munich and they told me that they are very surprised with that annoucement by EMI Germany, there has never been spoken about that and Bravo would never have been aggreed to that since they have a big interest on having roxette as the headliner live in the show.

Bravo now will contact EMI and afterwards a presselease will told me the responsible person for the show. I could call her again on monday...

I just wanted to give my cards back...we will see what will happen....


@ RJ1976

You really are pathetic talking like that.... you can’t even justify blaming Per for this.... get over it for god sake, no one died did they?

once again, everything is fault of Per...sure...
is always the same, Per must be a real evil or something, in fact he was the one who caused the 2nd World War!
Stop f**cking with this theme; i´m really sorry for those who bought the tickets but if they don´t play live is because Marie doesnt feel strong enough to performance in front of all their fans knowing they will be staring at her.. look how people have talked about her in the video (she doesn´t walk properly,she´s too serious...),c´mon! if she appeared in the show all these things would appear againg and i´m sure is not good for her.
We must accept they (Marie) need time to come back to the stage, even i´m not sure if they will ever go back to a live performance but is not Per´s fault,is not Marie´s fault.. is just something of the terrible illness she has passed through. My mom passed through something similar 2 years ago and i thank God that she´s now healthy but i can´t expect she can do exactly the same things as before; Marie is just a person, give her time

Could some of you stop talking about maries health. We all dont know what is going on here and even bravo doesnt.
Maybe the reason is just very simple, but what has my anger with having spent over 200,- Euros for that show to do with maries health. As if this would have anything to do with it.

Marie isnt ill anymore. So stop talking about it. She is just not in the mood to do all the promotions like in the past.

But what has happende here, a booking mistake or something, maybe a birthday from maries husbands brother...:-) WE DONT KNOW

So this is not so tragical, no end for Rox and all that crap, important are the millions of people on tv seeing them, still I want my money back.

But please stop talking about maries health in this matter...its just if this was her first performance since her illness and hasnt she recorded two albums? so please come down a little bit and be serious.

Whatever it is, I sure it has nothing to do with maries health...


“But please stop talking about maries health in this matter...its just if this was her first performance since her illness and hasnt she recorded two albums? so please come down a little bit and be serious.”

Well said Steffen...
Some of the comments in the forums make me think sometimes Marie is handicapped or else...

maries doesnt ow you nothing ! stop wanting blood and respect peoples boundaries. marie has changed and so has roxette and need to respect that.


Now it doesnt go to the top ? Strange.... censoring...

@RJ: Read the following, especially points 2, 3 and 12.

RJ1976, i totally understand that you are really peeved about this. When it was announced I did consider buying a ticket and flights over there. If I had, along with hotels, etc, it probably wouldve cost me close to £500. Luckily I decided it wasnt worth it as they might only be performing 1 or 2 songs, and it would most likely be a playback performance.
If i had, however, i would have been extremely angry right now. There has been a serious lack of organisation here...on whose part it is not totally clear at this point. Did Roxette confirm/agree to be part of the live show? If so, then I too would be annoyed with them for pulling out. If it was for health reasons there would be a reasonable excuse, but it doesnt seem this is the case if they will be pre-recording a performance the day before.
Or is it bravo’s fault. Did they mis-read the agreement that was made?
In either case there has been a serious lack of communication....seems very strange that EMI Germany are telling fans that Roxette will not be there when Bravo don’t even seem to know this...I dont quite get it.
Having said all that, I do think your attitude/tone is quite need to take your frustration out on members of the board. If I was in your situation I would be sending e-mails to Roxette’s management and/or Bravo asking for clarification of the situation, as it does seem like a lot of people have been inconvenienced by this.

@ RJ1976 .... if you are going to insult someone at least learn to spell ;)

@Ally77 —> I speak and write 5 different languese’s ... And You ? 1 ? 2 ? .... So I guess Im alloved to spell wrong once in a while... *LOL*

@Ally77.... This was sarcasm :) ... I am calming down ... but slowly... Sing for me... It would help :S

No, I don’t think she’s going to...

It isn’t anyone’s fault definitely, it could just be a load of bad luck. No one should be blamed until we have a reason

Me sing... what do you have a suicide wish? lol

we invite you to read (and make the efford to understand) the rules and the “Read me” of this website:


@RJ1976: You are being really rude and insulting to some people here (and also to roxette&related).

Your way of reacting looks more like the behaving of a child who doesn’t get what he wants, or like someone who is just over-emotional.

When joining a forum there are just some things you simply can’t do, a sort of unwritten law (although it’s clearly written in the ’tdr-discussions’ forum)... You are doing almost everything which they ask you not to do.

This was my very last reaction on you or in one of your topics, I’m done with it.
I also really hope the TDR-team has got some solutions to ban people like you.

Good luck, and ROX ON!

I think he’s just seriously p***ed off, and i can totally understand why. i would probably be the same in his situation....but his way of expressing it is a little inappropriate. I’m sure he’ll be fine when he calms down

ncurran—-> Youre right... ... .... but Im calming down... slowly... ohhh boy... 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ... doesnt help :S

Yea Ally77... Sing !!

@ Judith, I think I know the rules by now...


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