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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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people...i gotta say: you're funny

12 replies

just a few years back i remember that our top complain here was the fact that u could barely feel that undeleteable feeling of 80’s in Roxette new songs and which was, obviously their main mark.

we asked that from per here and anywhere else...we wanted something that really sounded 80’s, roxettish...and as far as i remember...roxette has always been keyboards, some electronic stuff, discreet but noticeable guitars (nothing like u2 or even blondie) and marie.

well, i didn’t listen to one wish so far and i don’t believe i’ll do it in brazil (and just to complete the package: my speakers are malfunctioning)...but i hope to do it soon...however, all the 70% of the impressions i read here (in the big, main ’one wish’ topic) was exactly what we’ve asked years ago: 80’s, keyboards, roxette going roxette, etc, etc...

it seems that somehow many people were affected by GT and solo works from both, what’s not bad and quite unavoidable...but hey, it’s’s not per. there’s a whole different history behind that band...and according to the comments here, it pretty much looks like this history was respected. i guess we lost the line.

the same thing with the rox-box. obviously, there wouldn’t be even more new stuff to be released. and obviously we would be disappointed about that. but the rox-fans (die hard or not) comprises a really large number of people all around the world - as per said, ’some that don’t even know they’re roxette fans’, and those people couldn’t simply be ’skipped’ or ’skip’ the material that we already have heard. we’re like the smallest and thinnest slice of the public that emi and P&M intent to reach and please with it.

and because of that, i believe one wish is sorta inside the same context. i wouldn’t even call it a release, this is a hook, i mean a net to catch some new fishes. and if fisher marie likes their size and color, the boat will proceed. if not, she’s leaving in the next port.

let’s just cross fingers that non die-hard fans like us really give a deserved warm welcome back. i don’t see a more proper moment than that since this forum started to get bigger (i remember it coincidently when i first registered, in 2000). everything conspires to that. 80’s trends are on top for much more time than the ridiculous and pukeable 70’s fashion that came over in the early of 21st century (and even affected roxette with their huh, hmmm...curious wardrobe for room service booklet pics). this is good for me, a 80’s lover and great for them, 80’s promoters.

Let me say the whole thing is more than the addition of the parts. Putting some keyboards, synthesizers and discrete guitars together doesn’t mean the song will sound like 80’s music. One Wish has all those ingredients, but sounds like a fanfare of a circus, not like 80’s “music”. I can play Dressed For Success and Dangerous (even the Pearls of Passion album) without any problem, but One Wish make me blush. I feel embarrased every time I play it, because it sounds slightly 80’s, but in a ridiculous and cheap way.

Regarding the box-set, it not only about the supposedly *unreleased* tracks. The selection of the album tracks was also bad. For example, they included “I’m Sorry” instead of “Harleys and Indians” that was considered as a possible single when CBB was released. “Crush on You” is also missing, but they included “Cooper” (?), a song that I like but is not an essential track. From HAND they also included “You Can’t Put Your Arms...” and “Waiting For The Rain” (another weird decission), but “Pay The Price” is out. Same for “Little Girl”, I’d prefer “Looking For Jane” instead. Neither they included all the B-sides: “Turn To Me”, “Crazy About You” and “Entering Your Heart” are not in the tracklist.

Even some singles missed their place in the tracklist: “Fireworks” and “Fingertips 93”. The whole tracklist was put together in a rush, it’s a total mess.

you bring up a good point, people asked for an album that sounded like watg and we got exaclty that in hand and peopel whined wheres the guitars and th eband sound, so they caved in and went back to basics with rs, and all we heard was bad prodouction and its too short an album, lol if i wer eper i’d just ignore everyone :) heck he did that for 10 years and they were huge :)

I agree and disagree. Listen to the RoomService album and THEN to One Wish. You might notice that One Wish is a very logical follow up to the RomService album. It sort of has the same vibe as in onther songs from the album. It’s more electronic, got some funny futuristic sounds in it and Marie’s vocals are sort of the same. I didn’t like her vocals on CBB for example.. it was kind of complaining with a whining edge to it.. didn’t sound like Look Sharp of Joyride. I noticed she started doing that during the MTV unplugged concert which is a shame.. her voice is soooo beautiful when she belts out!
Then on HAND she kind of let go, although on some songs she still did. Then RoomService sounded more like the Marie I liked so much in the late ’80/early ’90. However, I still liked her better on the RoomService album ;-).

Then I totally agree with TinyTim. Roxette is roxette, which is totally different from Gyllene Tider and Per’s solo stuff. Hell, it’s even different from Marie’s solo stuff!
Completely different projects which all are very succesful in Sweden and probably whole scandinavia. I can imagine that leads to confusion. I mean, there are several other artists who play in a succesful band and have other projects on the side, but they aren’t as succesful as the main project. In this case (of Per and Marie) they are fortunate that almost all their projects are succesful, but the main thing is roxeet (at least in this forum) and that is what you have to focus on.

As far as One Wish goes, I doubt it will become a huge international hit, but it IS a real roxette tune, whether you like it, dislike it, are disappointed or thrilled. Doesn’t matter: it is in the extend of previous work. True, it doesn’t make sense to put Pearls of Passion next to HAND or RoomService, but don’t forget it was huge at that time.. that doent mean it still would be years later.

Well said Nick!!! Completely agree!!

Well thanks pw! :-)

i guess that at this point it doesn’t really care what we think of it. we’re just ’fed up’ of everything about them - b material, extra material, bootlegs, releases, demos, etc, etc...not the rest of the ’normal’ world.

our main target that our positive thought should aim would be of course, a significant sell of this rox box all around the world. that would be nuff reason for EMI to reconsider promot roxette decently, i believe. hey c’mon...there’s an old saying here in brazil which is ’once you’re king, you never lose your majesty’. i don’t think that the arguments like ’marie is tired, let’s see what she thinks about it’ ’travelling around the world is really exhausting’ are more appealing than the applause and ovation of their faithful public - old and new - they’ll find in a tour. and of course, the very sound of chin-chin is also ear-juicy.

I once heard a great quote from Jon Bon Jovi, he said you can’t write for your fans, you have to write for yourself and hopefully the fans will enjoy it. He said if you write the music you think the fans want, everyone can see right through it. Per can’t write songs to some kind of formula that we give him, he has to write what feels right to him at the time. We’ll either like it or we won’t, and in most cases half of us will love it and half will hate it.

Good point, Sparvoegamarie. I have to say that I agree with you. I know coupld of big Roxette fans and you wouldn’t believe but each of us has 3 totally different favourite songs.


I gotta say; you’re pretty funny. You’ve just started a brand new thread, a brand new point of discussion on One Wish to add to the 3976 we already have, you’ve expressed your obsession with the 80’s decade, made assumptions about Per’s/EMI’s intention with this song, even made a charming yet corny fishing parrallel and yet ....and having said all that.... you’ve not even listened to the song? The very point of discussion, the very debate you are instigating... and you’ve not even listened to what is actually in question.

Um. Silly. Very silly.

Listen to the song. Then post a reply. Afterall if we’re the thinnest slice of the market then don’t judge the song based on the thinnest available opinions. Judge for yourself.

There’s only one comedic post here in this thread and it sits atop of the list on this page, so re-direct those laughs mate, there’s only one laughable thing here...

woah! ur pretty stressed aren’t u pal?? hope this weekend u’ll get more reasons to ease it up...gosh...

well, do u know those research centers that create polls, inquirings and etc to of course, measure people’s opinion’s about tv shows, candidates and such? do u see the opinion of the creators of that poll or research expressed in the results published in the newspapers or tv news their researches are published? no. why does it matter?

so...why does it matter if i heard the song or not? and as far as I’m concerned and could read in my own post...i said i didn’t listen to it for a hasn’t to do with my lack of desire to it.

i only said that by reading the opinion of most of people here, i could capture that the song sounds quite 80’s (which is not bad for me, i’m a big 80’s fan) in a good moment btw - clothes, movies, trends everything reminds 80’s much more and for a much longer time than any other ’ressurrected’ decade trend since we got into the 21st century. and, when this forum had yet that old 2000 design and after RS release, everybody damn asked for the same 80’s touch roxette always brought with (and even savage garden and other wannabe roxette bands could do it, and no P&M no longer could do it by that time), all the elements some people are complaning about in one wish - although i indeed YET didn’t listen to it - were actually, in a way, our main requests to be back in roxette songs. that’s all.

i understand that sometimes peoples’ opinions change. i clearly remember that back in 2000-2001 period, HAND was absolutely hated. hated. few people could hmmm...bear it, other could tolerate and a little littlest amount said that loved it. and this little amount was mercilessly crushed here by other people’s opinions.

i found it a really dark album. very well produced in some songs, and with genuine roxette’s pearls - wish i could fly, crush on you (sounding much more electronic than most os album-openers, but undeniably a very good per pop tune), it will take a long long time - but yet very sad, specially for songs like cooper and even ’staring at the ground’ (with the pukeable ’i carry your wounded dreams like the devil’s deeds in the pocket of my jeans’ line, even worse than ’hey your long hair vintage jesus’).

but today...i’d find it, at least, an apropriate album. i mean it wouldn’t shock me or make me dislike as i really did in 99-2000 if they released it today. i even think it would be so much more succesfull than it was by that time (when people’s reaction - even non die hard roxers was clearly cold cause they couldn’t recognize roxette there and per himself said the same) and so much more than RS.

it only goes to show that this is nothing but a matter of opinion - and opinion changes, weirdly, funnily that may look. if u do like mine, great, cheers. if u don’t, well i won’t die because of it. when i get to listen, though, i’ll give you a more clear statemet about it, don’t worry.

@ tinytim :

“we asked that from per here and anywhere else...we wanted something that really sounded 80’s, roxettish...”

Sorry, but I don´t think that “One Wish” sound 80´s. It sounds like a teen euro pop song and nothing else.

“and as far as i remember...roxette has always been keyboards, some electronic stuff, discreet but noticeable guitars (nothing like u2 or even blondie) and marie.”

Disagree. Roxette used synths in the past, it´s true... but it was never their strongest point. Which songs from “Look Sharp” were successfull ? “The Look” (mostly guitars) and “Listen To Your Heart” (guitars).
No one here fall in love with Roxette because heard “Dance Away”, for example. So, this argument that Rox has always been about “electronic stuff” do not work for me. Never liked them because of that.

“well, i didn’t listen to one wish so far and i don’t believe i’ll do it in brazil”

Here you´re right. In fact, I think it will flop worldwide... as expected.

“however, all the 70% of the impressions i read here (in the big, main ’one wish’ topic) was exactly what we’ve asked years ago: 80’s, keyboards, roxette going roxette, etc, etc...”

Roxette going Roxette ??? Please... “Myth” is Roxette going Roxette. “One Wish” is Roxette going Vengaboys.

“it seems that somehow many people were affected by GT and solo works from both, what’s not bad and quite unavoidable...”

Yeah... GT, solo works... these projects were really good. Cant´understand why the crappy songs, ideas and releases are always with Roxette.

“the same thing with the rox-box. obviously, there wouldn’t be even more new stuff to be released.”

Wrong... there´s a lot of songs left to be released. Read somewhere in TDR that Per said they did 40 songs for HAND album. 40 !!!! Sure they have a lot to release.
The problem with RoxBox was that Per promissed one thing and didn´t delivery. “La la la la lies... “. That´s what created the whole RoxBox fight.

“but the rox-fans (die hard or not) comprises a really large number of people all around the world - as per said, ’some that don’t even know they’re roxette fans’, and those people couldn’t simply be ’skipped’ or ’skip’ the material that we already have heard.”

Seriously... where are these people ? I don´t know ONE person that like Roxette in real life. I live in a city with 300.000 habitants... never found more than TWO people who likes Roxette (both in the net).
Can´t see WHERE are these so called NEW FANS.

Well, that´s how I feel
We might desagree, but let not fight.
All the best mr TinyTim.

It all comes down to the fact that people have different opinions and that if you don’t agree with someone, don’t ram YOUR opinions at them.


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