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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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The Look - Live by someone unknown - Not bad!!

17 replies

Dear Lord! That’s not so bad is it? O.o


Actually that is not too bad!

Christina Stürmer?!?! Cool!

Who’s the guy?

Is it like Austrian “Superstar” show?

Swed.. Gessle Idol?..!??

The voices sound so very much like the Studio 99 cover :S

where’s Studio 99 from, btw?

Germany, probably. You know - they can sing and everything :-)

me like it very much :-))))
Give us more info about these two yong stars .

CHRISTINA STÜRMER performing Roxette’s “The Look” with Michael Tschuggnall in the show “Starmania” (2002/2003)

It’s from AUSTRIA and Christina Stürmer can’t sing!

The singers are not bad... but the music is pathetic. Bring Jonas on stage next time! :p

The problem here is I guess Christina’s voice nailing this guy to the wall. He’s hardly to hear. So you almost exclusively hear Christl’s part, the second vocal line.

I like Stürmer... now even more :)

are these people famous or sommat lol

Christina Stürmer is indeed wellknown in Austria and Germany. But she sings in German only. I really do like her.

She won one of those cheesy contests... But she
is really great ! Like most of her music. The best
one’s from her is Ich Lebe ( fantastic song ) and
Nie Genug ( great song )

She rocks !

When I see that for a second time it’s really bad!


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