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Best of the "new" 4 songs

72 replies

Which of the songs do u like best of the 4 songs thats been cirkuling around the last days? Im thinking of the two demos “Myth” and “/anyone/I love how you love me and the two new ones “One wish” and “Reveal”.

My vote goes to I love how you love me:)

Reveal really captivated me... i’ve been listening to it for the last 20 hours? lol

Myth is the best!!!!!!

Myth is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reveal is quite ok...
One wish is a bit boring, I thought it would be something like Lies or Harleys&Indians, but I found it like Breathe.. :(



Have only listened to them twice but MYTH should be the single not OW :(

Surely, Reveal

Reveal is wounderful

But why use a synth oboe?? Roxette has used real strings, accordion, harmonica and the oboe in Queen of rain is a real one, I suppose.

But can anyone reveal if it’s a synth this time?


my personal fav is ILHYLM but i must confess i have not listened yet the whole songs One wish, Reveal and Myth (i´m trying to be strong and wait til the Rox Box...:-))

how does i love how you llove me constitute a new song? frankly it kills the flow of an otherwise great track

“Staring at the ground”, I think.

ONE WISH obviously!!!It’s THE BEST for me!!

Am I the only one who felt dissapointed about Reveal?

I think Reveal sounds like a demo, a song not-well produced. The melody reminds me to MATAH but the song itself is very poor.

One wish is a good track but surely it won’t make any chart, it doesn’t fit with the current pop sound.

Anyone is certanly a new complete song. My favorite is Myth, I don’t know why they decided to keep it in secret. It’s a great track, it could have been included in Room Service.

I noticed in the 2 new songs that Marie’s voice has changed a lot.

Still can’t decide between Myth and Reveal. But I don’t like Anyone/...

One Wish and Reveal are the best for me. Cant really choose a favourite between the 2 as they are so different.

I HATE Anyone/ILHYLM and Myth is nothing special

One Wish!

ONE WISH ROX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s the best Rox song in a long long long time!!!! Really great!!!!! I thought the song would be mega-boring when it started with Per, but whem Marie took over, my attention was grabbed in a way I can’t explain. The girl is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i don´t like one wish!

i like myth a bit. let me hear the others and i´ll tell you in a minute.

Hmmm... One wish - it’s catchy, not Roxette’s best (not even very good), but I like this song very much. Still enjoying :-)

Does anyone else get the feeling that this is a summer song? It sounds summery

I’m talking bout OW


“You’d make a wish for cosmic relief
shade by the trees and green summer leaves”

Yes, indeed :-)

Picture this- a Rox meet in some anonymous bit of countryside in late June (so I can play JA and not look stupid)

A barbecue going, lots of talk, laughter, and ice cream (and alcohol)

Someone puts OW on the CD player... queue some great wedding type dancing

Makes the song sound so much better, don’t you think Tomos 85?

One Wish is the best, absolutely. Sounds a bit like something from Roxette’s older days, and well, I like it. I would like to say that One Wish is the best up tempo song in a very long time.

Somehow I didn’t like Reveal. I was hoping for a dark, classic power ballad. Now it sounds . . . quite boring?

Yeah, that’s really nice picture. I hope that there will be some kind of documentary about recording of those new songs :D

Sounds good to me!

One Wish - I really love it. Playing this song almost with REPEAT mode. Nothing to add. One of the best. So so much catchy. Knock down the charts!

A/ILWYLM - I don´t like Anyone so much, don´t know why it was a single, but this version with another song inside sounds good. Little epic. I heard it once. Two minutes ago. Pleasantly surprised.

Myth - Good song, sounds like old Rox. I like it, but I heard it only some five times because I´m still listening One Wish, just like now. Did I say that this is FUNtastic song? :-)

Reveal - Nothing special for me, sounds like demo. I like great, dark, orchestral ballads. This is real contrary. Sorry.

The best for me is Reveal. It should be the single, instead of the corny “OW”. I love it since I played the snippet, it was immediatly! Mature, gentle, beautifully arranged. What else do I need?

OW is a step back, the worst Roxette single since Vulnerable, I suppose. A song that makes me feel embarrased. I am sure I won’t play it too loud, otherwise the neighbors will hear it and I’d feel terrible!

One Wish!!!

It’s so funny reading everyone’s replies. lololololol

I love both OW and Reveal. You can’t compare the two song - too different. One Wish is cool. Sounds good in the car, loud. Reveal gave me goosbeumps when I first heard it.

Haven’t given much time to Myth as yet, but I do like it. Why the hell did they leave it for 12 years?!?!?! Strange.

The Anyone/ILH... demo is cool. I love the new bit. Per sings it well

Myth (still is my fave), followed by OW and Reveal!

1) OW
2) Reveal
3) Myth
2) Anyone/ILHYLM (really just a demo!)

One Wish

1. Anyone/ILHYLM

2. One Wish

3. Reveal

4. Myth

1- Reveal
2- Myth
3- One wish
4- Reveal

I really dont like the way Per sang that demo lol

I wonder if this thread will be deleted by the moderators to protect you “people” from your hysterial stupidity the other day?

Hi there,

Everyone is talking about the new songs, but where did you hear them? I can’t find them anywhere................... :(

NancyBoy, not here, OK?

1-One Wish - Fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!
2-Myth - That’s only a demo??????
3-Reveal - Marie’s voice is wonderfull!!!
4-Anyone/Ilove how you... - nice!!!!

reveal for sure its the only song they’ve done with a clarinet in it since qor :) and besides one wish sucks :)

I prefer Joyride ;P

coyboyusa can´t agree more with you.

One Wish


Reveal shock my so so so so sweet!

Reveal ... and Myth!!!

Reveal & Myth ;P today...

I must say One wish really grows for me:) Like it alot more now then when I got it.

Don’t know haven’t got my Rox Box yet.

1 Reveal
2 Anyone demo
3 One Wish
4 Myth

Cant get Myth out of my head and the chorus of OW even tho i dont like it that much it is really growing on me and cant stop singing it.

I can’t get Reveal outta my head, so I guess this is it? What do you like about Myth by the way? It’s kind of boring, country-like song! There’s only this part in the middle 8 where Marie raises her voice to ” I love your Myth”, and that’s the only good moment in the song( IMHO) .

Rox On!

IVRoXx @:

I love “Myth”. Guitars and Marie’s voice... perfect!!!

Reveal is also beautiful, One Wish is kind of catchy, and I Love... is really sweet :D

Good come back, fortunately!

I like One Wish a lot, it turns to me in a good mood, it remembers me the song “Har kommer...”, a lot of jumps, smiles, sun bright in the sky feelings... you know, like living in Per’s lyrics world.

i’d greatly appreciate having some links sent to my mailaddy.... :)))

*edit* pro rox mov: wouldn’t you like a gr8 cup of freshly brewed STFU? geez, stop being such a narrow-minded-upyerownazz-morality-apostle! stay creamy!

Reveal, Reveal and ...Reveal

Reveal & Myth
One wish

Anyone/I love how you love

I like I Love and Anyone - but as two songs, not one!

I think I love how you love me is sweet butwould be better as a song on its own.

Myth is the most disappointing for me, and having preferred Reveal over One Wish yesterday, I think I’m switching that preference round today.

1 One Wish
2 Reveal
3 I Love...
4 Myth
5 Anyone demo

One Wish

I guess that is my current order right now...

Where can we get these songs? I have one wish, looking for the rest...

They are all Demos! One Wish is old as is Reveal. Per has just pulled them out of the drawer.

I believe to that, what we have heard only can be demos...


Myth & Reveal is the best!!! Marie WE LOVE YOU!!!

I am probably the only one that adores “Anyone...” I think it worths the whole RoxBox! I feel like melting when I listen to that song.

I liked the Anyone demo before...but I still quite like the splicing with fits in a sweet way

in order i would say

One Wish(catchy love it)
Myth(expected a ballad so surprised always in my head)
Reveal(not great but still like it)
Anyone/I Love How You Love Me(hate it...the reason why some demos should be left on the shelf)

Gotta be One Wish! I abso-bloody-lutely love this track now!!!

No doubt for me: ONE WISH

Reveal, but ILHYLM would have been best if it not had been combined with anyone

I like so,so, much... MYTH, REVEAL, & ONE WISH!!!!!! The MARIE voice is very,very SWEET and STRONG!!!!;-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

One Wish and Reveal. All the other demos aren’t that special ... great sound on Myth bur awful melody ... One Wish at least has a cool vibe and makes you tap your feet

Hmm, it’s quite hard to choose which song should be number 1 and which number 4, burt it’s something like this:

1. One Wish
2. Anyone/I Love How You Love Me
3. Reveal
4. Myth

I’m really surprised that everybody loves Myth. I think it’s bloody awful. Horrible melody (or lack of same) and bad lyrics (“I feel like a monkey in a tree / I love when you pay attention to me / I want to read your steamy poetry” - please give me a break, it’s horrible!). This song does nothing for me, and I think it’s the worst Rox song in many many years.

Reveal is my favorite song. I won’t say it’s perfect, but it’s great. Love the intro.

Anyone / I Love How You Love Me is really great. For once a demo cut that really gives you something different than an unfinished version of a song we already have (7twenty7, Staring At The Ground, Bla Bla and Better Off On Her Own demos - what’s the point?).

One Wish is another song I’m not that keen on. It’s got good sing-along potential, but it’s not a very good song, and I’m afraid it’ll add fuel to the fire of the myth that Roxette is stuck in the 80’es.


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