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My Opinion on The RoxBox

22 replies

I was VERY disappointed when I saw the tracklist of the RoxBox. I still think Per and Marie could have put out a more believable piece of fan-memorabilia for the loyal fans that have made them world-famous and filthy rich!!

But, I still think we shouldn’t turn our backs on Per and Marie - go out, and buy the RoxBox, even if you don’t believe in it, it WILL show that we, as fans, still believe in Roxette as a band with the most incredible talent! Let’s show Per and Marie that we support them, no matter what.

Think of this: At least we FINALLY get the complete Unplugged show we’ve been dying to get for so long and the long-awaited “Myth” is there. Sure, us hard-core fans would love some nice rare live songs, not to mention demos and remixes....

Let’s celebrate with Roxette their 20th birthday and waste our hard-earned money to buy a bunch of songs we already have. We only live ONCE, go and buy it - I’m sure it will still be worth your money - it IS, after all a Roxette release and not some shitty bootleg!!!

Let’s support Per and Marie and pray for a new album (at least!!!) for 2007!!!!

Roxette rulez!!

hi Per

I’m NOT Per, I’m Martin (CoyRoy) from South Africa.

I don’t like Per’s answer, btw, I think he DID sound like a big snob not caring for us fans.....but he does make some interesting points.

It’s an offical Roxette-release to put into our collections!!!

I’m not too excited about the box, but I would’ve bought it if it wasn’t for the price.
IMO it’s just not worth it.

I hope South Africa will get this RoxBox too, I really hope EMI South Africa isn’t sleeping on their asses again.

It does sound a bit expensive, but I still think (fanatically) that i’s worth the money....

Let’s be positive about this!

Let’s be objective about this.

You’re saying I”m NOT objective about this.

I’m just as pissed as you guys- I really think that Per had loads of time compiling this shitty RoxBox and this is the best he could come up with. Total bull.

Per should know it’s only a matter of time before all those “rare” unreleased songs become available on P2P programmes, not to mention the Unplugged show - so, there’s your way to bullshit Roxette in the same way they are bullshitting us fans!!

Go for it - what you do is your own business.

CoyRoy, did you start this thread before or after the price was revealed? I have the feeling it was BEFORE.

Anyway, I have pre-ordered my set in “Soulseek”. Or maybe in “Ares”, I think they deliver faster ;o)

Edit: I case you don’t know, they are pretty cool stores, and not much expensive!


“But, I still think we shouldn’t turn our backs on Per and Marie - go out, and buy the RoxBox, even if you don’t believe in it, it WILL show that we, as fans, still believe in Roxette as a band with the most incredible talent!”

It´s not free, you know... If Per or Marie give me the money, then I´ll buy hundreds of box only to show my love to them.

I looked at the pricing for the Rox Box and it is expensive. Nothing in this world is cheap anymore. Not even a stupid little chocolate bar is cheap.

One can always wait a year or so, then the prices will drop.

Somehow we’re (not everyone but a big part of us)
seems now to enjoy targeting against Roxette for finatial reasons, for the money they have and maybe saying that selling records now it’s only to make money... A bit cruel for a group who’s beena round 20 years until now... but anyway ... no one on the Roxfancamp seem ever to be pleased. There must always be place for complaning and criticism... I rather enjoy my day... lol

C’mon, if he wants to get the Rox-Box and thinks it’s worth the money, leave him alone!! It’s his choice, isn’t it?

This war between people against the Rox-Box and people in favour the Rox-Box it’s beginning to make me sick....

Roxers against Roxers - a split community.

What the hell has become of us?


Let’s discuss the Box a bit more...

(a) Who buying it when it’s released?

(b) Who’s getting it for Christmas?

(c) Who’s not bothering...

I’ll go for an A!

Thanx to Anyone/I love how you love me I will buy at least 2 ex.................
Per roxx

ally, i havent decided yet, though i have to say i am warming to it after hearing the new songs

pallis, Anyone/I love... is in the column on my page under the heading “reasons NOT to buy”

Keep listening Neil!

I am listening to them non-stop at the moment! Only listened to the Anyone demo once though....dont think my eardrums could handle another bashing and it would do any good for keeping my Rox-enthusiasm up, which is very high at the moment

We all wanted something more, something different. But it is still great. Repeating myself, but whatever: Anyone/ I Love... is amazing!

Just logged on to CDON and my RoxBox hasn’t even been sent yet :-( I thought it would be here by now.

Mine has not either... so much for hoping it would come for the weekend...

call me easy to please. But i have bought my rox box just because i love roxette.

And indeed i want to give them the signal that there fans are still here waiting for them. If we dont give them the signal then i think there wont be a new album in the near future. :o((
So if you don’t want to buy it. Don’t.
I will be waiting for Roxette to go and rule the music world again!!!!


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