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Should Tony Blair Go?

36 replies

Just wondering what other people thought on the Prime Minister in the UK....

ow god yes , im sick of his arse licking of bush ( thats could sound rude lol)

Hope he stays until at least after the scottish parliament elections next labour will get humped if he is still in power

He should so go - is draining this country! grrr

He should go, whats the point of him staying now?

Thank god I never voted Labour, never did like him, can’t stand him even more now!

ally77 i agree. i really dont know who vote for him, its like who would for for bush in the US . My guess is middle aged conservative who are afriad, although saying that my parents hate both them aswell LOL.

id rather have the tories back........thats how much i dont like labour

he was the right man at the time labour first won government but as time went on he just lost the plot,give gordon the job now!!!


With whom should he be replaced? There are plenty of pro-Saddam terrorist-sympathizers in the UK who would love to step into his job and appease Great Britain right into the burkha lifestyle. Allah is great, death to all the infidels!

Get someone in who will make single mothers who choose to live on Income Support forever go back t work and support there own bloody kids.... would make a great start!

Think he should go just becuase he has said he will and now labour is in crisis over the whole thing. Dont think he hsa done a bad job worse thing he has done is getting too close to Bush.

i always vote labour and prob always will- cant stand the tories and altho Cameron is similar to Blair in many respects i cant forgive Thatcher for what she did to us up here re: the coal mines.

Even if you dont want to vote for Tony Blair, who on earth are u going to vote for? i dont think there are any candidates worth voting for really.

Yes he should go, but Brown should NOT take his place. He’s 10x worse!!

He’s going in May.....

All togeather now................ awwwwwwwwwwwwwww

like i said he should only go cos of the farce that has been created about his leaving no.10. i def. do not want Brown to take his place! anyway, who gave Blair the right to say who will be next PM?

Still waiting for the statement on News 24...

Did anyone hear those kids shouting for him to get out? Go them!

i agree with ally, kids that think that having kids is a career and live off the income support need a wake up call. not fair. I see 16 year olds pushing kids around with gold all over them and with a cig in mouth . I can afford to smoke, i cant afford to get to uni somedays and have to walk . ! i dont get my own house only thing i could get is a bet sit :-S;

I know housing is the bain of my life.... even on my good wage I am around £30,000 off enough to buy a decent terrace house, so I rent.... which has been pure hell because of the mothers from hell and there spawn!

As for moving, well your single, we’ll move you into a crap run down flat in a shit area where you will get robbed quicker than you can replace the stuff from the previous robbery by those who cannot be arse to go to work and need to rob you for drugs!

In a way as much as I hate where I live now, I am actually quite lucky to have a 1 bedroom house to rent....

**rant mode off**

looks like im stuck where i am for a while, i saw an interview with david cameron from the tory’s and haev to say he is rather cute looking LOL ! !

torys, labour, libs ....... same party diferent colour....they tax me on my drink they tax me on my income and they tax me on my car, the tax me on my petrol, they tax me on the roads....

i don’t care wether tony stays or goes.......i will be taxed to the hilt! ;-P

and even after 1.5 bottles of red wine i will still be taxed

*wonders how much taxed i’ve paid drinking that much!*

I don’t understand the complaints about Tony Blair and taxes. Taxation provides assistance for all the unfortunates who cannot make it, on their own, feeds their kids, puts clothes on their backs. Those of us who are fortunate enough to have jobs that support us should be GLAD to pay additional taxes, to help all of society’s unfortunates who cannot make their own way. It’s high time that humanity realizes that the needs of the downtrodden take priority over the gifts of the rich – that the rich must be prevailed upon (by law) to provide for those less fortunate among us. No one in Great Britain should be allowed to buy a new car, until every child in Great Britain has access to excellent dental and medical care. And, access to skin doctors for mole removal.

’And, access to skin doctors for mole removal.’

Explain? I’m a little confused...

Well he did some good and some bad... I don’t really have a firm opinion yet all I know is Britain sorry the UK needs another Margaret Tatcher to sort things out!

Do we? Why? I’m interested to know.

whateveriam, a usual sarcastic post from this particular member. Perhaps he would rather that we let or kids go without any healthcare and let them starve.

Yes, it is too easy for people to claim benefits in this country and more pressure should be put on people to go back to work. I am all for giving people a few months to find a job and then making them do some kind of community service in order to receive their dole cheques. Making them work for peanuts is probably the only way of encouraging them to get a proper job.

However, I would rather be too far to the left than too far to the right like america is.

Well, I don’t live in the UK but, as my mother’s English, I visit every few years. I really love the country and it feels like home for me and that’s why I’m so sad to see it going down every year. The tipical family I was used to is not there anymore, kids nearly grow-up by themselves, parents leave them and go to the pub every night..... then.... I have heard many cases of ’lads’ being violent to foreigners and to do horrible things ’cos they don’t know what else to do. In London I heard of people attacked with a knife ’just for the hell of it’.... I could go on the whole night!!!! You, or I should say we as I feel involved too, really need somebody to sort all these little ba**** out. I didn’t mention teenage girls that want to be pregnant just to get benefits from the goverment....

Well believe me, I’m not writing all this ’cos I hate the UK, it’s the opposite, I miss the days when people were nice and you coulnd’t see a piece of paper on the floor... now I see smashed windows instead! Of course this is happening in other countries as well but not at the same extent. We need an urgent solution to save our beloved UK! Don’t you think?

Margaret Tatcher now where talking a women with balls.

@ Oldag75

So my taxes should pay for all those that live around me that cannot be arsed to make an effort and do anything? Huh, yeah sure thing…. Taxes need to be poured more into the NHS to avoid waiting times for people that need hospital appointments, 6 months last year I waited for a simple scan….. 4 months waiting now for an appointment! I seriously thought about going private last year, but doing that would have seen me as a queue jumper and perhaps taking someone’s appointment that they had been waiting for, for an age!

You see whilst there are people in genuine need of help and I have no problem helping those that really need it (I am sure most people have found themselves in a difficult situation at some point in there lives), you have the likes of people near me… who can’t be bothered to work, several kids, living off the state benefits whilst there parents (who live there – don’t live there…) are STILL earning a wage of about £300 a week… that’s fraud, and it’s one thing I bloody hate in the benefit system… my taxes are going towards there kids education, yet they can’t even be arsed taking care of there kids! Most of there evenings when they could be doing something constructive with there kids they are sat out drinking cans of lager on the street causing a nuisance to other people!

You obviously really need to perhaps take a little holiday over here, and see those less unfortunates that are living on the social half of them are often better off that those who are working and paying taxes…

@ Vixzter…. Avoid TAX! Have a few brats….. get a house… and live off the state for a couple of years…. take a break, hell you have earned it! ;)

There is no doubt about it, the UK has gone down hill a lot this past few years, kids have no respect, mainly because half of them are dragged up my teen mums, who don’t care about the welfare of there kids… and so the circle continues. Of course there are some out there that really make an effort… I actually admire those that try and balance children with a job!

I grew up under Thatcher, and I have to be honest, I had a good education, I was raised by two working parents and I didn’t go without, same for most of my friends that grew up with me. My father lost his job once and it took him about 5 days to find work, and he took something just to keep the money coming in till he got something better, some people are two proud to claim the dole, while others look as it as a permanent holiday…

Okay so Mrs Thatcher did some things wrong and she was not perfect, but at least the country had some backbone then… look at it now, half the rest of the world are laughing at us!

Proud to say never voted Labour and never would!

Would someone knowledgeable please list and explain (briefly) the differences between the political parties in Great Britain? That would be helpful to outsiders. And, how does a Prime Minister get into office.... and then stay there.... and then, seemingly abruptly, have to leave office?

As for other comments here, it’s fitting that politics and satire reside hand-in-hand. Didn’t Great Britain used to have a TV show with puppets, that satirically ridiculed their politicians (and celebrities etc)? It seems I recall that the John Major puppet was colored totally gray....

Oldag, I am quite into politics, and know quite a lot about it and the different parties/the political system here in the UK, so i will fulfil your request, but not right now as I have had a couple of glasses of wine and I dont think I could be coherent. Maybe tomorrow.

Yay, Spitting Image was the show and it was ace.

I hate politics, the parties are all the same really. If a right wing government gets in power once they are there they can make up left wing policies. they can do what they like basically.

I’d just rather have Tony B than Brown or anyone else at the min. I didnt vote labour last time i voted Lib Dem not cos i wanted them in power but like most other people just to make a point.
Brown is getting name for back stabbing now and he was behind the war in Iraq just as much as Blair.

PS vote me in power and i will sterilise children of Charvers at birth. :)

PS vote me in power and i will sterilise children of Charvers at birth. :)

You get my vote!

LOL i think they should bring back spitting image.

Oldag75 if u wanna find out what your talking about, its not hard look it up !

They did a spitting image one off some months back!

i know i watched it and forgot how my i missed it, ant and dec were my fave lol.


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