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SOAP videos on iTunes

5 replies

Has anybody bought the two available videos from SOAP on iTunes? I’d love to know how do they look in full screen mode. Unfortunately in Italy you cannot get videos yet.... but you can in Germany and Luxembourg (I think).

what are they called? Might have them somewhere...Youtube? You can put them full screen there!

It’s the videos to ’Jo-Anna says’ and ’Hey Mr. DJ’. I just wanted to know if they are worth buying from iTunes ’cos I don’t know what the quality of their videos are at all. I have them already but not from the store.

In holland the videos are shown on iTunes, but when buying i get a message its no longer available... is Itunes out of stock after this topic :P

How are they out of stock?

Nope it’s just because the service is not available in NL at this moment (same as Italy).


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