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...even the "Hits" :(

25 replies

Haha. After staring several times, with great fear, at the tracklist to the Box I scrolled back onto the Hits compilation. And the songs go AGAIN for the god damn zillionth time in chronological order.
There’s no creativity at all! It’s always DFS after The Look! And starting and ending with a new song!
Furthermore, I really wonder who’s gonna buy it (apart from the HC fans). Whoever was into Roxette but never dared to buy any studio albums got Don’t Bore Us in the 90s! And whoever loved their ballads purchased The Ballad Hits! Not too sure who went and bought The Pop Hits cos it turned out to be a flop. I don’t believe in Rox20 anymore. We’ll hear the new song on the radio during the Autumn but that’s it! Thanks Per (and EMI and all those other dorks) for really thinking it through!! :)

Totally agree

Do we really need another thread moaning. There’s a million other ones, moan on one of those!!!

I actually prefer the chronological order - better than chaotic randomness. And I like the Roxette hits cover :D

pwbbounce of course we do :-P more the better lol.

But it’s just too much. It’s never gonna change now, get over it. Sorry if I seem harsh, it’s just everywhere is so overwhelmingly depressing.

@ above

Yeah, I know... Sorry! But I am just so mad! :/

This is the first thread about the “Hits”. Aren’t we allowed to say what we think? Most people here dislike the new releases. If you like them, that’s fine with us. Bu please, let us saywhat we think.

Of course this is (almost) as bad as the box. Pretty much the Same songs as on DBU (95). Though, I think DBU is way better.

Minus a few songs, it is in exactly the same order as DBU

@ GT85 - of course you can say what you want, I wasn’t getting at that. Just the amount of general moaning threads. Surely you don’t need 10+ different threads to complain? That was what I was saying

Yea, but on Don’t bore us... there was June Afternoon, You don’t understand med, The Big L. etc. I’d rather see those songs on the new GH than many of the choosen ones.

No, if you take out everything that isn’t on Hits 20, and is on DBU, it is exactly the same tracklist!

Thats DBU...with some bits removed for clarity

3. The Look
4. Dressed For Success
5. Listen To Your Heart
6. Dangerous
7. It Must Have Been Love
8. Joyride
9. Fading Like A Flower (Everytime You Leave)

11. Spending My Time
12. How Do You Do
13. Almost Unreal
14. Sleeping In My Car
15. Crash Boom Bang

And thats hits20

* The Look
* Dressed For Success (Chris Lord-Alge Mix)
* Listen To Your Heart
* Dangerous
* It Must Have Been Love (Humberto Gatica Mix)
* Joyride
* Fading Like A Flower [Everytime You Leave]
* Spending My Time
* How Do You Do!
* Almost Unreal
* Sleeping In My Car
* Crash! Boom! Bang!

Hmm... well?

Its in the same running order, I noticed...

A thing that would have been very cool and innovative would have been to re-record all the hits. New versions, many years after.
A Joyride 2006 would have kicked ass!

Don’t always sound good though...

It should’ve been in alphabetical order or somethin’ like that. Dunno why I’m complaining, though, since I’m never gonna buy it...

I think they should focus in the “lastest” hits in this new compilation (1994 onwards). At least, it will look a bit more different to DBU and more balanced too. Something like this:

1. One Wish
2. Neverending Love
3. The Look
4. Listen To Your Heart
5. It Must Have Been Love
6. Joyride
7. Fading Like A Flower
8. How Do You Do
9. Almost Unreal
10. Sleeping In My Car
11. Crash! Boom! Bang!
12. You Don’t Understand Me
13. Wish I Could Fly
14. Stars
15. The Centre Of The Heart
16. Real Sugar
17. Milk And Toast And Honey
18. A Thing About You
19. Opportunity Nox
20. Reveal

The actual compilation has no songs from DBU (a real shame), 2 from HAND, 2 from RS and 1 from TBH. 65% of pre-1995 material.

1988-1994 (6 years) = 13 songs
1995-2006 (11 years) = 7 songs

I know 1988-1994 was the top of their career as a group, but I am a bit tired of having the 4 singles off LS! on every compilation... That’s the reason I always skip Dressed For Success.

I agree with you Room Service.

I will probably only purchase the two new singles: assuming they are both released,

or get someone to buy it for you

Despite what people think, the fact remains Roxette was biggest during the LS/joyride period, so it makes perfect sense that these are the songs that will be included on any GH. There’s no point in putting on a few songs that barely made the charts just because the fans think they are more deserving than other songs.

I for one love Fireworks and QOR, but from a marketing perspective, there’s more chance that someone has heard DFS or FLAF, so therefore that makes the decision of what makes the disc.

I guess the idea is from there the buyer will be inclined to buy the other releases.

First I was disappointed too. I hoped we would have got some live shows released on DVD (maybe some day?) etc. I asked myself, why buy yet another greatest hits album (that doesn’t include Neverending Love and Opprtunity Nox).

But then I started to think, what do we get. We get to see Marie healthy and happy again singing her ass off. We get two new songs and atleast one new video. Roxette will do some promotion. (Wouldn’t it be great to see Roxette perform on MTV Europe Music Awards? That would be awesome!!!)

And they have not said that there won’t be a new Roxette studio album. I believe that if the 20th anniversary thing goes well, there will be a new studio album in the horizon.

I am happy and really exited to see and hear Roxette in the limelight again. Roxette has my 100% support and I wish all fans give them support too. We need to remember that the stuff with different countries recordlabels and lack of promotion ain’t Roxette’s fault. I’m sure they do the best they can and wish them selfs that things would be different too. The buisness is so different today than 10-20 years ago.

Let’s enjoy the great music and keep on walking forward smiling!!!

Room_service your tracklisting is great.

for the people going on about the hits being the same as dont bore is easy to forget that that dont bore us was released 11 years ago and that most people who bought it back then might not have it anymore now anyway.also there are “new” music fans that werent old enough or even born in 1995 so wouldnt have bought it.and not to mention that it was “deleted”in 2002 and to buy it costs a small fortune.

also Roxette have been in the limelight a bit more with remixes and covers

The Time Is Right.....

ok the tracklisting might be repetitive but its only repetitive to us the fans who follow their every move...the average record buying public wont notice unless they pick up both greatest hits and compare them.

I think that if One Wish is not a hit, no one will buy the greatist hits, because anyone who was going to would have already bought DBUGTTC. For most of the world, Roxette have not existed since that time.

Edit: Granted thoguh, DBUGTTC always sells well on Ebay, but maybe that is because it is now a deleted and ’rare’ item.

£21 for Canadian 1995 issues in my local HMV!


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