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M&P are not guilty. Read this...EMI!!!

11 replies

Hello my darlings.

Please, for all those who say Per and Marie are responsibles of the new releases, sorry to say you are really wrong.

I have a friend who works at EMI SPAIN promoting all new international albums that the Spanish Division of EMI releases. And he has confessed me that there are 2 BIG AREAS when an international album is released: THE PROMOTION AREA, with a lot of budget and energy to make the album sell. And the STRATEGIC MARKETING, for all the albums who can fit in the GREATEST HITS, compilations, old releases, mid-price, and so on.

And...SURPRISE. All the new releases are included on STRATEGIC MARKETING, at least at Emi Odeon here in Spain. This means that they don´t have the task to promote the new single if they don´t want, because there is a fixed budget to release and promote all the albums within strategic marketing.

And I guess that EMI SWEDEN AB has all the responsibility in chosing the songs and contents of the new Roxette stuff. The own artists has nothing of few to say in this releases decisions.

By the way...the video they are shooting with Akerlund looks very promisin. He´s a geniuos.

If they are not guilty, and they want fans have rare things, upload to internet with bad Hair Day name!

I think Per and Marie are as guilty as EMI! I don’t think other artists release box like that! Or 5 compilation in 11 years! And 4 video DVDs in 5 years! It’s ridiculous!

And remember all Per say about the box! read the interviews again!
I feel like a fool, because it seems that Per has been lying us all the time!
I’m a fan, I love their songs. I love Marie and Per. But I’m not stupid, and I’m very angry!

I think all of them share responsability. At this point in his career, Per’s not a puppet who would sit idle while EMI calls the shots.

I was going to say the same

Tider12: Mike Oldfield has got a couple of boxes similar to RoxBox. Bells bells and a lot of Tubular Bells....It’s hard but it’s truth.

According to this, Per and Marie have no control over their own career?... Sorry, I just can’t believe it. I think that we should blame both Roxette and EMI for this disappointing Rox-Box.

All songs after 1999 is owned by Roxette Recordings and can not be used by EMI without Roxettes permission, so EMI has not 100% of the power...

Rolf Nygren said in 1996 in Really Roxette that Per is hard business and negotiator. And he said that they are rivals in cases of money. And Per wins.

“According to this, Per and Marie have no control over their own career?... Sorry, I just can’t believe it. I think that we should blame both Roxette and EMI for this disappointing Rox-Box.”

couldn´t agree more. something similar happened when emi decided anyone would be the second single from hand rather that coy, rox wanted coy as the 2nd single. c´mon! is emi stupid? yes, it is. are per and marie stupid? i don´t think so. am i an idiot? of course not. do something about this mess.

The info you have given us only tells us that EMI Spain have decided to give the release a low says nothing about who selected the tracks

I imagine Per had a lot of influence over what went into this box, from the interviews it sounds like he was directly involved. The record company probably pushed for the classic hits to be on there because they seem to love shoving The Look down our throats year after year and milking the old success. I feel a bit bad for Per, because I doubt very much he deliberately made the Rox Box so crap, he probably thought we’d jump for joy over the unreleased tracks.

Hey it too late to scribble out a few new songs and jump in the studio and give us some new stuff? Catatonia recorded a whole album in NINE DAYS!

I agree with Marie, that makes the most sense to me.


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