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Tracklisting and covers probably false!

52 replies

* RoxBox not containing the One Wish video ? C’mon!

Trust me, they are fooling us! One of these days we’ll surely get the REAL covers and tracklisting!

* It must be a joke from Per in collaboration with TDR. No way EMI and Roxette would release this kind of crap as official.
* And Sascha who doesn’t tell the source of these so-called covers.
* Sascha “discovering” the covers on the same day TDR receives the tracklisting ?
* And then “it’s quite a coincidence that the designer has chosen to use the same font The Daily Roxette used for the word “Roxette” on our conceptual sleeves! The font is called “Magneto” by the way.”
* Moderators complaining in a way it’s too suspicious...
* “One Wish (Single A-side/Recorded 2006) 3.30” > Per has said the song is 2:59-3:01 !!!

Hehe, you can’t fool me guys!

Yea sure, a conspiracy. Not this again.

I hope you’re wright but fear NOT

Its gone on too long to be a joke... they would have stopped this by now if it was.

Is this a dream?

Wake me up! *lol*

@Pascal, I hope you are right but what would be the point in upsetting every user on TDR?

@roxlad: SURPRISE!

* From the official press release: “The RoxBox ’86-’06” includes 4CDs featuring all the hit singles and best album tracks, two new songs, rare recordings, demos, and much more. Included in the box set is also a 3-hour plus DVD with all Roxette’s video hits and the previously unreleased complete Roxette MTV Unplugged TV show.”

> “and much more” on the 4 CD’s !!!

i do hope its all a joke .... im really not likely alot of what iv seen.

Me no likey either... if this is a stunt its a BAD one

@Pascal.... I’ll cross my fingers for you to be right! :-)

* “In response to several rumors on the releases of the “Rox Box” and “Greatest Hits,” Per Gessle tells The Daily Roxette that there will be the following releases: ... The ROX BOX with 78 songs including 14 unreleased ones”

> 14 U-N-R-E-L-E-A-S-E-D ones !!!
> 78 songs, while that so-called tracklisting contains only 77 songs!

thats so vague though, so noncommital that it could be anything! He said core of roxette music too, so he wasn’t lying there

then it would be a miracle...but why joke in such a nasty way?No need to stir our blood, there’s enough of flaming and fighting here anyway... So however much I’d like to believe it to be a joke I sadly fear it isn’t...

As I said earlier, TDR would have stopped this by now if it was...

huh??? what??? where have all the months it April Fool’s day already?? Must have been sleeping....thought it is almost the 1st of September

I hope it’s like a swedish ’April Fools’ in august kinda thing cause this is not funny >:(

... yes, and TDR wouldn’t do sth like that – hey TDR ia a (kind of) newspaper and who would trust a newspaper which is writing fake stories in future? TDR is too professional to make up stories just to gain more visits and comments!

this is now the first time i think this actually could be happening...

just consider...

both p&m are putting aside their current solo projects to make time for roxette (marie = not promoting min baste van really, per cancels plans for a soap tour) - I’m quite certain they wouldn’t put all their efforts in promoting such a SHIT release.

Have somehow got the feeling something bigger is coming up (remember the surprise with ’tourism’ and gt with ’f5f’ two years ago?)

Doubt it.

Kjell Andersson, creative of EMI, never would create a bad cover like this.

I believe in him and his good style.
So simple.

Im agree with Pascal and his teory....... ;)

2 Pascal and marcusvandeursen:
I´m praying you´re right. Hope for that.

The cover may be a stunt, but the tracklist isn’t haven’t updated the cover for one wish as of yet.

i would laugh so much if it was false i will laugh even harder if its true ;-)

I´m totally confused. This all looks like a nightmare, there´s no official statements, it looks so bad that it can´t be true.

The worlds about to end! Or they’ll announce they’re splitting tomorrow morning. That is how bad I’m feeling

True cover or false cover? Let’s take a look:

Take the link Sascha gave us:

Save the picture on your hard disc and rename the file so that it will be a .txt file: 64379fk2.txt
Now you can open it in any text editor. Take a look at the first line: “... Mikael Jylhä ONE WISH SINGEL.qxd...”. This tells us two things: 1) This jpg was exported by a Program called Quark XPress (it saves its projects in qxd files) which is a professional desktop publishing tool almost no private person uses and 2) the person this program is registered to is a certain Mikael Jylhä.

Ok, next step: Who is Mikael Jylhä? Let’s ask Google: and take a look at the 4th result: which is a pdf file and you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader.
On page 9, in the middle, you find a photograph and the comment: Mikael Jylhä och Thomas Pall från PÅ-Media AB (Mikael Jylhä and Thomas Pall of PÅ-Media AB).

Next step: What is the PÅ-Media AB? Google again: and the result in the very first line says: . Click it!

On click the “Showroom” and see what these guys have had in their hands so far: Among others the SOAP-, GT25-, Mazarin and ThePopHits-Album and stuff.

These guys have obviously done the repro and printing jobs for Gessle for years and the file (see the beginning of my post) is real.

Questions anyone? :-D



You’re like a totally new 007 ... YOU GOT THE JOB !!! Right ON!

Ha, thank you. Google is my friend. ;-)

Google is everyones friend.... Damn... Never knew Google is Bi :S

Google loves us!

@thenicekai: thanks for the research you’ve done.
You proved that the so-called one-wish cover is designed by the named designers...

The only exit we have is that it is a concept for the real cover....

@ thenicekai

You must be Sherlock Holmes. Good work!

Nope. No Sherlock Holmes but a Moderator in the official Roxette/SOAP forum. You need a lot of brain over there too. ;-)

Oh, I see :D

You need lots of brains for that job? Why? Because of all the 1000’s of posts per day :P ???

Yep, life is strange sometimes.

I must say that the two new news items with comments from Neil and TDR on the homepage takes some hope away. By now, we know, if it’s a joke, TDR is not involved. Thanks for making this clear.

But I still hope (although I can’t say “believe” for 100%) that the cover and tracklisting are not the real ones!

Of it’s the real cover and tracklistings.

Great observation Kai! Still hope tracklist and cover are only pre-versions...

Nice work there thenicekai.

Hey the image available from TDR doesn’t have this IPTC information. Where did you find that picture with the additional info??


I’ll split my sides if it’s a joke as it would be the best TDR would have pulled!

@Dave: Read my post carefully, it’s in the 2nd line and it’s red. ;-) The link is from:

The pictures TDR had posted have a different source.

Oh well I think it’s not a joke anymore....

It was never a joke...

Open to interpretation isn’t it? I think the RoxBox is a complete and utter joke ! Only looking forward to the two new songs !!

Yeah, its a stunt! Rox wanted to cause outrage!

Ha ha, yes, I see your point. But let’s put it this way: they are not fake. :)

Regarding the Box, after reading Per’s statement I have become less angry. If you compare to other artists, I think Roxette have always given a lot of demos, remixes, rare stuff etc. So maybe we are too spoiled. Although I’m wondering what target audience M&P had in mind when they were putting the box together. I don’t think it were the hardcore fans.

Cover design: oh well, let’s say it could have been better.

Case closed.


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