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* It Must Have Been Love (Humberto Gatica Mix)

8 replies

Humberto Gatica did the Pretty Woman version remix- says on the back of the vinyls ’produced by Clarence, remixed by HG for the production company whose name escapes me...’

I saw that this is included on “A Collection of Roxette Hits - Their 20 Greatest Songs”.

Could this be that dance remix that was included in the Rox medley?

Or is it another remix?

U DOUBT it big style ( sorry not got alot of faith at moment in roxette) ! ! !

Gatica did a FLAF remix too. Sounds not so different from the original, the e-guitars are gone.

so its aq fancy way of saying pretty women version, mmmm what shite.

bingo. Chris Lord-Alge mix I think might be the US version, thereby proving my point that Rox20 has almost the same running order as DBUGTTC...

Yeah DFS is the US version / chris lord alge version. A slight remix of the original. INcluded on DBUGTTC and TPH.

Nothing shocks me now... I wanna hear it :)

Hear what? The sound of silence or computer hum?


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