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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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I'm Disapointed.... And You ?!

50 replies

So this is what we waited so long for ??????

There’s NOTHING new to me besides “One Wish” and “Reveal”

Damn I’m Dissapointed ..... SoooOOooOOO MUCH

Just the same stuff as we already got ?!

And how do you feel ????

Same here!.... After 20 years this is what they come up with?
btw what happened to songs like Monster Hangover etc.?

Short changed and bled dry I think seems to be the atmosphere today...I’m upset but it isn’t the end of the world.

They have said it would have hit singles, they said it would have album tracks. They didn’t say how much though heheheh...

Im not hysteric... BUT I’m sooOoooOooo DISAPOINTED...
Gessle said himself, that the Box would be GREAT and with
lots of unknown stuff....


If Gessle reads this.... I’ve always supported everything
that U guys make, but this is soooOoooo Bad and Mean...

We had expected something more - MUCH MORE

This cant be real.... God I’m dissapointed...

Yes, I’m disapointed and very very very furious!! with the trackslist, with Per!! Oh My God!! What’s this???? They use the fans only for win money! they dont’ respect us!! I have almost 100 of original records about marie and per, but i won’t buy this! I’ll download from emule!! When per release a real box for fans I’ll buy it!!!
I’m very very furious!! I was waiting for this a lot of time! Stupid box!!

air your disappointment on the front we really need to go thruogh it here too?

I AM disappointed and I do suffer. But well, it won’t give us a better tracklist...unless it was a scam (which I doubt)

Im happy with the hits collection totally. nice little pop cd. I HATE the rox box track listing . VERY disapointed. on myth i havent got !.

It was going to be my late birthday present to myself, now I’m doubting whether I should bother.

Words fail me in relation to the RoxBox. I thought it was a sign for my going to Uni on Septermber 16th - something light to give me hope. Nox that is gone and I feel jinxed.

LOVE SPINS !! LOVE SPINS !! What happened to not including demos “just for the sake of it” but including ones that would be fun - who will enjoy THAT ?????????????????????????????????? I downloaded the myths demos but rarely listen to them.

The Big L. demo
Crush On You Remixes
USA Wish I Could Fly Remixes
Crush On You Remixes
Vinyl Only Songs
AC Mixes, Extended Versions etc

Instead they include 14 “new” songs. I hope they are not going to delete every Rox album now with this extended hits collection !!!!!

They don’t need the encouragement.

Words fail me. I wa really looking forward to this... its reading like a really bad dream. If this is a joke, which I don’t think it is, it isn’t funny.


I’m so tired of this cycle of letdown after letdown.

The cover of the single is a joke..... I thought it was a joke and now it’s confirmed as being the real thing! :(

I honestly can’t believe I’ve been waiting for THIS for seven years! I’ve never felt like being treated like a cash cow more than now...

Hell no, I’m happy that rox is back! :D .. Seriously, whatever they do there’s always people here who arent satisfied.. You should be damn lucky they do this. I can’t understand how some people thinks that they can demand something.. Be lucky for what you’re given. You don’t like it, don’t buy it.

I can’t be happy because they release this, because I feel like Per treats fans like a rubish!
14 unreleased songs??? Oh Man! you thinks your fans are fools!
He said thta abbey road session will be incluided!! anly help!!
It’s a ridiculous box!

It’s better than a kick in the teeth :-)

OK, as fucked off as I am right now, I can see where you are coming from. It is, indeed, better than nothing. And there are some thing I want, just not that much.

I’m a bit disappointed, but I also think that some people are taking it a bit extreme. And yeah, that’s right! I you don’t like it, don’t buy it, and you won’t be feeling as if they were using you to get cash :)

Nothing new to you? Myth is new to me...I ’ll buy the box for that one track (and the fun of the nice package ofcourse :P )

Ok.... I haven´t had the feeling to comment anything on this page for a couple of years now... but this tracklist just pisses me off and I´m definitely not gonna waste any money on this amazingly bad joke. And all I can do is to advice you to handle it the same way. It´s just not worth it... paying an enourmous amount of money for just 2 or 3 really never heard before songs and a so far quite crappy artwork, if you can call this sleeve “art”work”???!!! Sorry, but that´s it for me and Roxette. How can Per just let something like this happen? Who´s expected to spend money on this? Sorry, no way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I won´t pay a compilation of four CDs and a DVD for one song.

A song which was discarded years ago.

colinvdbel nice package, have u seen the mess of a cover for the one wish single, you see what the rox box is gonna be like, OMG ! all i have to say lol.

Again no FIREWORKS :-( Not even on the Box where each f... album track you would’nt expect is on it. The 3rd compilation where these classic rox guitar song (and fan favourtite too) was left off.

Leaving off “The Big L.”, a Top 20 hit in whole Europe, Japan and Australia, but put the really less succesful ATAY on the Hits CD is really stupid!

See that many feel like I do...
Got Sweet Thing today... Thats better than this box....

Per G. how could you ? .... “I’m feeling low down”

Someone said pissed off ???!!! I’ve been a fan since 86 but...

I TOTALLY AGREE.... I would never say anything bad
about Rox and Related but this is NO GOOD !!!!!!!!!!!!

Are we just a money mashine to them ?

Today I enjoyed listening to Sweet Thing, but cant here
it at the moment... The disapointment is to big.... !!

Can they threat us sooOOooooooooooo BAD after all this years ?
For sure they wouldnt be driving Ferrai’s if it was’nt for US

Sorry, but this feels like a

I’m Dissapointed too, I expected more rare stuff.

Nothing is rare on this box :S

We have it ALL ! Except 3 songs...

Who’s gonna buy this box??? Not me....

My two years daughter can paint a better cover for the new single, and free Mr. Gessle.....Give me a call

mbatalla -> THANX !!! You made me laugh again...

Anyway... Lets write Gessle... Well... We don’t need to...
He take a look at this page quite often I think...

Im a crazy fan that would do anything for Rox, but if this
is real.... I don’t know... I FEEL USED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I keep checking the date...
Is it April Fool’s Day somewhere in the world?!

I didn’t expect 4 CDs full of new stuff. 14 “unreleased” songs would have made me happy. But most of these songs can be downloaded from the internet at this very moment.

I’ll probably buy the box anyway.

I think colinvdbel was being funny about the packaging!

So Much! But Per has a lot of unreleased songs, the thing is that if he releases them they won’t keep being unreleased, you know what I mean? Bah Never’ cant be worse!

I have been saving money for a long time to buy The RoxBox and I think I will buy it if it released in my country, but I don’t know what to think. I was expecting another thing. However, there are some songs I haven’t got and the MTV Unplugged which I have never seen.

...which won’t even be the whole one...

I’m upset more than angry.

UPSET ... Yea, Thats more the wright word for it

I hope you’re kidding saying “Be lucky for what you’re given.”

No way, we’ve been given the same old stuff many times now. It’s not about being’s about being pissed.Coz what they are aiming at releasing reason to be happy whatsoever. NOT after being a hardcore fan for like 20 years now...

He promised sooooo much and kept nothing AT ALL...

.... no.... forgot it... SLEEP WELL ALL OF YOU !

Say it!

i think its all just bloody great!


more cheese than a cheddar factory!


Ok... I’ll say it..

Im off for now... I’m going to be a munk in a temple
far away, thinking about what PG has done... Once he
was god now I have to think it all over again....

Maybe Milli Vanilli, Boy George or something like that...
They are fake to, and do not keep any promises.....

OK... WAS JUST A JOKE .... I think...

ROFLMAO- I love it mate! Milli Vanilli- half of them are dead, so stick with George!

boy george was not fake! :P

well as far as he sang his own songs

No... I Know... Just wanted to be funny :)

Hope Every thing is better tomorrow

Can’t believe there is so much disappointment and negativity - I am sooo happy about this Rox Box -they did not have to do it but they did - how can you not all be happy? Maybe you are all bigger, more hardc ore fans than me and I am just happy for something and really looking forward to it

Oh, it’s getting really late now. 2:20 AM in Sweden. I can’t sleep cos’ of this!

Hopefully i’ll wake up tomorrow and read an interview with Mister Gessle where he is explaining all the fantastic things ’bout the box.

Good night all! Let’s hope for a better tomorrow (or, well, better day today then yesterday)

I can’t believe this is happening.............

I was shocked to see the tracklisting of the Rox Box.......i’m still in shock.

I think most people are overjoyed that Roxette are back, just that the roxbox could have been so much more. The fact that it’s not entirely what we were led to believe. Per has mentioned that there would be many demo’s from the big songs, only to find only 1 or 2 have been inlcluded. Although he did say that there would be some album tracks etc as well... i don’t think anyone expected to that extent.

In the end it may have been better releasing the GH and a rarities2 with the few new/unreleased tracks.


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