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The "One Wish" Cover!

60 replies

If this single cover is the final one, then it’s the freshes, most fun, and most sparkling good cover they’ve ever had :D I really like it!!!
And Per’s pose is brilliant, like he goes “yeeeeeeeeees!!!!” ;)

I just stumbled across the One Wish cover and some more promo pix for ROX20! Look here:

Have to say I don’t like the cover at all! It looks totally corny and oldfashioned. Hope it’s just a pre-version... 8-/

Here the other promo pictures. They are okay but not too inspired as well. Maybe another photoshoot with JÅ would be a nice idea...

Finally the cover for a promo medley of all (?) 20 hits, still the old 1995 theme:

The cheese, the cheese!

The One Wish writing looks a little ’saloon door’, doesn’t it? I like the colour scheme on it though guys!

I like it...a lot! And the Gessle pose...getting closer to Robbie Williams, gives me goosebumps, lol.

What’s up with the tenpin bowling theme and where did they get this pic?

I think the photo shoot will be done by Jonas at the video shoot

yeah, isn’t he, he’s bowling after all, lol. amazingly great pix, lost for words! they look so...real, happy, radiant might be the word.

The Picture is great, I love the light between Marie and Per.
{edit} When I heard the photo idea of an bowling alley, I though of colouful blinnking light, lots of people in the back, ... more “Las Vegas style” ... This bowling alley seems boring to me :( They wouldn’t need a computer generated typography on the front: Why not having the title on some kind of display in the back?

The typography is cheap (those fonts are free fonts — where is the exclusivity??) and *surprise*surprise* it also looks cheap (how can one mix those two fonts??). The colourful stars in the back are free photoshop brushes and don’t support the picture.

I really hope it’s just a concept cover and not the final one. I feel sorry about them … having such great photos but assign such a lousy graphic designer with a lack of inspiration and creativity!

I like the 2 promo pics. Don’t like the cover photo.

I’m not sure what to make of it. The pictures look nice, but i’m not sure about the idea they’re heading for?!

I don’t really know what to say about the cover!

Why the 1995 theme, why?

Funny in a not funny way.

The designer is Kjell Anderson, he did all the older rox covers and booklets, which were quite nice in that time.

Do you really think the light between the legs is real? For me it looks like airbrushed. Honestly the whole photo looks like a heavily photoshopped snapshot. Photoshopped into the wrong direction... :-(

The saddest detail are the coloured stars. Like on a pencil box for children. Why not just use some classic Roxette stars instead? Not enough, the Roxette logo makes me really think of a vacuum cleaner brand...

My oh my, I don’t wanna be so negative, but this artwork just doesn’t do it for me. Hope the actual song and video makes us forget about this!

I don’t like it.

Just checked the header of the cover file. Seems to be the same studio who made the repros and prints for SOAP, Mazarin, GT25 and TPH. Looks like the real file, at least not a fake.

hm. poor concept. really poor. any of my colleagues from the graphic department would have made a better job. and I mean it.

the “one wish” cover is awful. the others promo pix are ok. but nothing really amazing.

if you ask me, marie looks awesome, but per looks nerdish and silly again, just as he used to look in Joyride promo stuff. he lost the pose he used to have lately! but marie rules, she’s amazing.

Agree... that cover can’t see the shops; i’m VERY disapointed! The concept has potential but the shot and design doesn’t fit.

It still tops the ON cover. ;-)

Is it just me or does this photo shoot seem ’cold’ and slightly low-budget?

no, purple, I don’t think it’s you. i think it’s them.

Anyone notice that the “Roxette” font is the same as used by the dailyroxette concept art for the cover when the song was revealed ? I don’t really know what to make of it - I do like the picture in a way but the font is AWFUL !!!

But why does the Roxette Hits album have the same “Roxette” font as the Medley promo but this single a different font ??? Usually an era has the same font - particularly for the first single !!!

’Is it just me or does this photo shoot seem ’cold’ and slightly low-budget?’

@Purplemedusa- you’ve hit the nail on the head- something doesn’t look right, either something is missing, or none of it hangs together, I can’t decide. Shame, cos it is promising!

I kinda hope this is a concept now.

I really hope Jonas steps in and saves the day...!!

aren’t that still the pictures that count? for me anyway, it’s great to see them both in such a good shape. And the design itself. It might be improved. If not I won’t cry my head off, as frankly, it is not the key thing at the moment. We got the new brilliant pix and now I want to hear the songs...

I like the 2 other photos. the OW cover is ok out of the coulered Stars.

2 purplemedusa: Yeah, right. Low budget would explain the free fonts and the photoshop brushes ... I would never ever do such a job but if I had to create the same cover I’d need about 12 minutes (including making two cups of coffee and eating an apple).

I am really dissapointed, because the artwork has a big influence on the sound. And if there is a “posh design” the sound gets more precious as well ...

I think, now Kjell Andersson is ready for a retirement pension.

The real question here is:

Where do these people get the pics?
What do they know we don’t...again I feel cheated as a fan, getting the pics as secondhand

2 Sascha: True, the light between Per and Marie is a photoshop job as well and you know why? Because he cutted out Marie’s leg and it looked awful so he thought, well, I will not redo it again, I just put some white stuff around it, so no one will see that I can not handle my tool :) :(

something’s definitely wrong with that light, the more I look at it, the less I understand.

I’m looking at the light, and why am I thinking of Close Encounters Of The Third Kind?

I like the picture though, it’s just everything else doesn’t fit together properly.

Now I know why they kept the cover secret for so long...

do do do do doooooo...

Max... ur right about that lighting! Did anyone notice how yellow Per and Marie are in that shot? Roxette would make a HUGE mistake releasing this!!

I really like the pic! It’s good and funny! It’s not a-typical, which is good. About the font and stuff, I could partly agree there that it could have looked a bit more pro. But why on earth does it need to be so exclusive fonts?? Per makes music that is enjoyed by the huge crowds, he never cared to make anything completely different from what people like, just to stand out. So it’s just in the same alley I think with fonts.. :P

But the pic itself I like. Per’s pose is great! And the “yellow” faces is more tan I think, and some reflection from the colour of the floor.. Sometimes I get a slight feeling that some others are born critics.. :-X

personally im a photographer and the lighting is bad, i dont think these are the final shots but the pre shots for composition etc. like they did for TCOTH vid. well i hope ! ! !

like what another person put, i thought night time ish with neon lights funky busy. Looks so ’old’ style. ill wait for an offical final ( i hope this isnt)

I hate the cover, the word cheesy springs to mind!!!!!

The other promo pictures looks good, but the single cover, really bad choice!

lol i agree ally, i still hope the other pics are promo for the real shots.

The cover is horrid the more i look at it lol, per and marie where not in the same shot. They where cut and paste together from 2 totally different pictures. The light makes it so fake it hurts just annoys me so much sorry maybe cos i could do better in my sleep. has to be a fake looking at it. Has anyone checked it out with roxette’s management yet to see if its offical.


So, this is the official one then. They’ll be selling it in paper bags like dirty magazines heheheh

Please don’t use effects ... more is less! eye catching effects just show, that you’re a starter.

If you design a cover, work with the picture in Photoshop BUT all typography should be made in InDesign or Illustrator … please.

I certainly know all about Adobe Indesgin etc etc , im a photographer :-P aswell. I did that cover in less than 5 mins to prove how bad the new cover is. Anyone can do better in 5 mins i think lol even if u spend little as 5 minutes.

I think they need the 60 minute make over team here...

What happened to good taste and originallity? C’mon!!!

Remember “UPDATE: TDR now has confirmation that this is the actual design for the cover of the sleeve.” Please calm... roxers.


that light behind Per and Marie is completely annoying and out of place, not to talk about those cheap letters, not even the colours are nice to the eyes!

This must be a joke from Per in collaboration with TDR. No way EMI and Roxette would release this kind of crap as official. And Sascha who doesn’t tell the source of these so-called covers. And then “it’s quite a coincidence that the designer has chosen to use the same font The Daily Roxette used for the word “Roxette” on our conceptual sleeves! The font is called “Magneto” by the way.” + Moderators complaining in a way it’s too suspicious...

Hehe, you can’t fool me guys!

Wow it has to be bad if Judith agrees! lol

@ Pascal

I’ve thought about that, too. But I wouldn’t bet on it.

Yeah funny not? I just airbrushed all the pictures out of my fantasy. Am I not a genious?So please don’t complain about some wrong colors I used!*

*I’d be happy to be a lyer in this case. Unfortunately these pictures come directly from EMI. ;-(

This can not be a “joke” by TDR because they know, everybody would be very angry and nobody would trust them in future anymore …

unless its someone else pulling a fast one (ie EMI, who no one appears to like much anyway)

Sascha, I had a laugh when I read what you have said: “the Roxette logo makes me really think of a vacuum cleaner brand”. You are right, it’s looks like a brand from the early 60’s.

In fact, seems the logo was stolen from cigarettes Parliament:

Maybe it’s a subliminal message, to turn us into heavy smokers. Or maybe, the designer was smoking some herb, and that’s why we got such an awful sleeve.

Even the photo session looks strange. For some reason, doesn’t seem like P & M are, indeed, in the bowling alley. I still have the feeling they are superimposed. And the bowling must be located in some isolated little town in Siberia, cause it’s looks rather dark... and dead :-s

I used to think the most dull Roxette single sleeve ever was Almost Unreal. But now I have a new winner! Somebody said this is better than the ON single. I don’t agree. ON was simple, untemporal an classy. Something this “joke” lacks.

Whateveriam said it all: “The cheese, the cheese!”

Yup, cheesy is a good word for it. Per looks mentally deranged. Still, it’s not THAT bad that it deserves a boycott.

Actually I like the other promo photos more. This cover is not that bad really. Somehow this cover reminds me of Room Service cover. They have something in common. And I was never fond of Room Service cover.

And about that part that maybe it’s just a joke. I wish that quite a lot Roxette and related news were just a bad joke. And everytime it turned out to be true :(


’And about that part that maybe it’s just a joke. I wish that quite a lot Roxette and related news were just a bad joke. And everytime it turned out to be true :(’

Aww...poor you!

I like it...but I like cheesy stuff.

Per looks mentally deranged............. ha ha, Oh Marie that was funny.....

Poor old Per!


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