The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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nice ones, thanks!

Very nice! Thanks.

Cool, although the date has changed. Radio date is Sep 20, release date is Oct 4.

You’re right! I’ve changed the date. Except for the earlier design... Can’t find the file from that one anymore!

nice! I wish I would have a scarf/flag like that for my car :O

Wonderful Clerk!!
Nice design!! ;D

Very nice. The darker look made the picture (and the shadows) more interesting. I don’t like the “O” with the star, but I know, that’s not your fault.

Yep, they look really nice! Well done!

Wow, I am impressed!
Those are lovely banners!

Really nice work, it would be nice to see some of them floating around the place :-)

Nice work :)

They’re fab!

it’s really fantastic work! :-))

I wish the ’real’ artwork would be a little like that...

Great Job Clerc!

so much nicer than the actual cover, and you used really good face shots of them. I would rather they used this than the one they are using

Aye, me too.. fair play to you hun, these are awesome!

Thanks for the nice responces!

Must say I’m still in shock though, ’bout the real one.....

Just saw these... and I’m very impressed. Nice work! [ I am a graphic designer myself, and don’t give out such comments unless they’re deserved. ]


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