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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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37 replies

Deimos said in one of the comments sections that Rox should do a Singstar for Playstation-that could be cool. Or completely horrific...

As we know, in here there a lot of people who think, they know better than any Roxette management, what will bring Roxette back to the top. Please write your »management / promotion decision« for making Roxette big in business again.

My suggestion:
Roxette should make the soundtrack of Apple’s new iPod TV spot ... The song would be known worldwide and Roxette’s image would be cool (again).

Bad mood - nothing relavant.

hey purps, not all of us a lazy!! :-) I’ll be sending Emails round..

The problem is NOT marketing! The problem is airplay- marketing something people don’t hear is a waste of money and time. An image has to be formed around the song, not before it.

The focus should be on just getting the song heard by as many people as physucally possible, rather than how it looks to people.

So then ... do you think my »iPod spot idea« was good or bad?

Good- does both in one fell swoop. Job done.

Very easy:

1. A song for a big movie soundtrack (i.e. Spider Man 3)

2. Stop releasing Greatest Hits again, again, again, again...

here’s a hint don’t let emi choose the singles :)

That’s right coyboy!!

The iPod idea was brilliant. Would work I think!!

iPod, movie soundtrack etc. these are good ideas, we already have all ways to do that, just use opportunities...

Ipod is a great idea, only problem is that i don’t think that Roxette are seen to be hip/cool enough to be associatied with it.

I think the best option would be a major song on a soundtrack.

As far as Australia is concerned, just some decent promo on TV/radio would go along way.

Hi Joyrider, your idea is brilliant!!
Like Madonna with Motorola´s world.


The iPod thing must work, Per had made so much advertising for iPod during his SOAP-promotion, they owe him something!

You’re right ... Per often says »iPod« in one 5 min.-interview more than 2 times ;) – maybe they’re already working on a contract with Apple ;)

First of all, a decent website.
If you log in to and wants some info about a new realese, there is nothing! And how many people know about dailyrox? The hardcore fans. But not the common people.

Another thing: — — why not spend some extra money and buy that domain name?

Well, I guess I will write e-mails to some radiostations again but you mostly don’t have a chance if they decide against that single. The radiostation must be Roxette-friendly already before.
I’m still sure that some record companies also pay money to get their songs airplayed!!!!

I think most radiostations are roxfriendly. They just need a good song, a good video and heavy rotation on radio and tvmusic channels. A good commercial spot about the 20 years roxette wouldn’t be that bad eather.

yep but some radiostations are also very weird...they invited Per for the SOAP promotion and had already decided BEFORE that they won’t include Jo-anna on their playlist....(???)

It’s all very well doing that, but here in the UK, it’s not gonna do much good. I mean Roxette, even at their peak, were never considered cool or hip in the UK. So here we are 10-15 years later trying to get them back in the charts. It ain’t gonna be easy.

But saying that, I’m gonna be doing my bit, belive me. It’s just a bit annoying when all these dedicated fans are trying to get the band successful and the said band don’t really seem bothered

I’ll just go over to SWR3(the Studio is just a Couple of Blocks away) and ask if they can play One Wish!

There is only one thing they must do really and that is to make as if Roxette is the biggest thing since Elvis....Posters, banners, tv adds, EXPOSURE EXPOSURE AND MORE EXPOSURE

I’ve been playing a lot of Roxette’s music at work lately and the people there are really interested in most of the songs.

Someone even asked me why they never heard of those beautiful songs.

The radio stations only play the commercial singles, not the other album trax. There has been SO many album trax over-looked by the media.

Yea - airplay, airplay and more airplay and tv commercials will do the trick. Furthermore - fans should take their Roxette music to friends and stuff and play the songs. It helps!!

Hell yes! Made a whole guide troup listen to HAND while I was there...heheheh. Poor them!

I play it while I’m on the phone to people I know, works like subliminal messaging...

If Reveal got to be on a tv commercial for some German car, that would be a major boost to their career...

And no need for Marie to go everywhere promoting... German cars promote themselves! :D


the best promotion for germany, austria and switzerland would be an appearance at the famous tv-show “wetten dass...???”.
millions of people watch this show. it would push both single and album very high into the charts, but i fear we will never see roxette in this show.

I was thinking of BMW or Mercedes, honest... :D

What would bring Rox back to the UK conscience?

An appearence on TOTP 2, when it relaunches!

TOTP 2 did theme shows, focussing on an artist/band, played some their favourite songs and some of their best performances on the original TOTP, with occasional interview slots. Shania Twain did one I seem to remember, Rox could do one too!

Roxette has appeared on TOTP2 a few times over the years!

another thing to do: visit your itunes store, and if available, write a review of one wish - and rate it 5 stars.i´m going to do this right now in the german store.

Ally, ah yes, some of its on Youtube! But I was thinking a whole special!

Well keep wishing, your One Wish might come true! :)

Have to uncross my toes and fingers, can’t open the door and walk!


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