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Any chance of success

22 replies

Agreed :)

Regarding the relase of the new single and greatest hits, does anyone think it will be successful in their country. In Australia (where it is not known if either the single or album will be released) I think there is little chance of success. Those people who had any interest in Roxette would have bought DBUGTTC so a new greatest hits will not attract many people, esp considering that Roxette have had no success in Australia since 94 (and no high charting songs since 1991).

The new GH may enter the Top 40, but only just. The single?? Not a chance to chart I think.

In Austria, I guess it will be as successfull as The Ballad Hits compliation. There has been a massive airplay of ATAY but the single wasn’t in the top 20 charts at all ... but if the new single will be a hit song à la f.e. Bon Jovi’s “It’s My Life” I see good chances for high chart entries since Roxette is becoming more and more a “cult band”.

For the album to be a success in Australia I believe it needs TV promotion, then it will sell. Or even better yet a promo visit. I know that wont happen.
Ignoring BH and PH (that nobody bought anyway) it is 11 years since DBUGTTC. Todays major music buying public do not have a Roxette GH album.
For the 1st single to get anywhere on the charts in Aus its has to have a classic Roxette sound.
I hear The Look nearly everyday on radio. FLAF, LTYH, IMHBL, The Big L still get airplay where I am and I heard DFC during the ’cool’ party hours of a late Sat night.
People know who Roxette are (except for the very young) so if it is even released here, lets hope EMI do something this time.


but today’s music buying pubilc (the young??) in australia don’t know who roxette are.

Teenagers wouldn’t, people in their 20’s would.
It all comes down to promotion for the new stuff from Roxette.

I think that in Spain, with the correct promotion, the GH will be a slight success, since there are very loyal fans over here who will get ANOTHER Greatest Hits (not me, by the way, I guess I’m not that loyal) But I don’t think it will go further than that. Now music business and media are no longer insterested in artists like Roxette, and people tend to buy what it’s on telly or radio all the time, so...

Don’t think it will be a hit in Holland.
TBH & TPH were hardly ever noticed overhere even though the promotion for these albums was alright. So it’s a real shame, but I can’t imagine any big success for Roxette in Holland again.

It’s sad but I doubt we will get them released in Australia - there is just no market for it - only us hardcore fans who will have to order it online - I think it’s mainly the teenagers who buy the CDs and none of them have heard of Roxette :(

Success? This belong to the past.

If you’re talking about commercial success, they’ve been there and done that. I don’t think they wish to go back to the hectic days of Joyride, especially Marie.

As far as I’m concerned, recording after Marie’s illness and making good music together once again is more than enough success.

Leave the sales figures to the boy bands...

Slow burning success-will not chart high, but stay a long time in the charts...

do charts really matter anymore at this point?

I agree with Shannyn, it’s not likely we’ll even see it here, maybe some stores will import it. The radio still plays rox a bit here so there might be some interest in a GH...with some promo it could do if EMI would ever bother. A promo visit would go a long way, but it ain’t gonna happen.

Yeah a promo visit is a great dream - to see them in Australia would be beyond crazy - but it’s ok - we understand what stage in their careers that they are in and I am totally happy if they are ;)

If EMI actually do some promo for them then i think that they might get somewhere. Some TV ads will go a long way. And if radio can get behind the lead single then that might be all it takes for the public to recognise Rox again. They already play a good amount of the earlier tracks and most people are still familiar with them/their music.

The problem with EMI Aus is (if they do anything), they will wait a few months before they release anything here, and by that time most of the fans have already bought it from overseas. And with no promo, no one else is going to buy the local imports.

Even though the new GH album gets huge promotion, I still don’t believe it’s going to be a sueccess. I mean, people have had DBUGTTC, TBH and TPH. Why would anyone who has bought one of these buy another GH album? I think they won’t. Only die hard fans are crzay enough to do this. So maybe promotion is only a waste of time here.
Sorry for being so pessimistic, but that’s just the way I think it will be.

As far as TBH/TPH is concerned, i don’t think that is an issue in australia. I don’t think anyone bought one here. As far as most aussies know, DBUGTTC was the last GH release here.

I bought one :D
EMI Australia have a watch and see mentality these days concerning Roxette. Watch the charts elsewhere in the world. No hit, no release.
If the single has success in Europe, I believe they will release it here. WICF got to #68 or something then sunk. If only that had crept into the top40 it would of been a big hit and climbed the same way all their singles do here, like SIMC last did. I have every belief they could make the top40 chart again.

That’s exactly right, all Rox need in australia is to break the top40. From there they should get some decent airplay, and once people hear how good the song is - well who knows how far it will go.

’do charts really matter anymore at this point?’

No, charts probably don’t matter anymore, but it is a scale to measure success with. It may not get high in charts, but hopefully will sell in reasonable quantities to warrant any further releases actually getting to Australia, rather than you guys having to import things from Japan or elsewhere.

I’m a Brit, so I have no real idea of music climate in Australia. I’m just hazarding a guess.

’do charts really matter anymore at this point?’

I actually don’t give a fat rat’s ass about charts, BUT, they are important as far as the better Rox do, the more chance there is that we’ll get to buy their stuff in the stores and maybe hear it on the radio. Before 2002 it was more important because we still held hope that Roxette might tour there’s zero chance of that but at least it would be nice if they did well over here and we could have a LITTLE of them!


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