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Now I know what the E in EIL stands for!

11 replies

I appreciate it being a collectors item, but its really expensive (for something so small!)

Ridiculously high prices is what they’re known for.

Honestly, do I want to pay £25 for PoP, when I bought it the other day for £8? On the other hand, they wouldn’t put the prices so high if they thought they couldn’t get them

I hardly believe they sell any of that material. Their prices are unreal, even the most common stuff is expensive there. For example, Fevourites from CBB for... 92 pounds!

I have been wondering the same.
So let’s find out; is there anyone among us who ever bought from them? I sure didn’t.

Some of their stuff have nice prices though ! £7 for Neverending Love Spanish Promo is quite reasonable ! But then £32 for Ballad/Pop Hits DVD? :S

They have serious trouble selling on Ebay, i’ve noticed! Atleast prospective buyers KNOW that EIL is a trusted source dispite the prices!

no never

’I hardly believe they sell any of that material. Their prices are unreal, even the most common stuff is expensive there. For example, Fevourites from CBB for... 92 pounds!’

Its ridiculous- I’m not that desperate for something at the end of the day- and more often then not I’ve found it cheaper somewhere else - charity shops, ebay, netsounds and similar (for an example, EIL are selling the cassete copy of Into The Gap for £25, I’ve seen it elsewhere for £45, but I still got it for 99p! HA!)

I bought a lot from EIL in the mid nineties and it was a god send. These days I don’t. They are still selling things at pre ebay/internet prices.

Yeah, I’m desperate for a lot of things, but not THAT desperate. EIL is a little misguided I think...

Where possible, I’ll stick with smaller sellers, because they need the money more than eBay, or EIL do. Unreliability is a risk, but if you keep in contact and are polite, you usually don’t get problems.

EIL...or Esprit as I used to know them...have always been riduculously priced. Back in the day...around 1993 I used to order from them quite often..only because being in the US, Rox releases were so hard to come by...back in the pre-internet days. Reading through their catalogue would actually teach me what was actually out was a short time later that I realized that I could find the same things elsewhere...for much cheaper...especially in shops in Sweden..although the airfare didn’t make it cheaper I suppose lol. EIL will always have rare Rox items that you can’t easily find elsewhere...but not many of us have the money to part with in order to actually buy them from EIL.


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