The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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11 replies

Did you know this performance of “Run Run Run”? It’s cool and strange to see Per and Marie singing together in a “different way” (Marie as backup singer of Gyllene Tider ;)

Do you have details on that concert/tv show/whatever?

Måndagsbörsen, Sweden on December 5th 1983. No idea what TV show or whatever, but other bits in better quality are on Youtube.

Hope this helps!

I upload that video, but i don´t know when they did that performance.
Greetings from Argentina.
Go on supporting Roxette.

Originally Made available by the team at Roxbytes.


Oh, OK, cool. Well done them!

Great batch of performances they did!

Funny to see performances like this. Just think about it, it‘s more than 20 years ago.... ;-)

23 years ago this December- holy crap!

I really love this song... actually I love the whole Heartland Cafe album!

Måndagsbörsen IS the show. :)

Oh, OK, forgive me, it was 5 years before I was BORN, y’know, plus I don’t know that much about GT, but I digress...

I love this performance, I think its absolutely fab!

Can someone just make those Roxette clips on YouTube available to download somewhere. I really wanna watch it and save in onto my computor without having to install Firefox!

Please help me!

I think you would have to email the person who uploaded them to Youtube and ask them if they would send you the file...


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