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Roxette - each album sales

37 replies

Does someone know how many copies of Roxette albums has been already sold?
I remember that:
“Look Sharp” was 8mln
“Pretty Woman” - 9 (I don’t know why people always mentioned this CD in regards Roxette’s selling)
“Joyride” - 10
“Tourism” - 5,5
“C!B!B!” - 4,5
“DBUGTTC” - 5,5

I don’t expect huge scores from re-released “Pearls of passion” and american version of “DBUGTTC” but what about other albums?

Baladas En Espanol
Have a nice day
Room Service
Ballad Hits
Pop Hits

And what’s Roxette’s total selling amount??
Does someone aproximetaly knows??

Roxette’s total sales is 45 million albums and 25 million singles, according to EMI Sweden 2005. I don’t have the accurate numbers for the different releases right now, but you could search for older threads. We discussed it some months ago.

This is what I know, but I’m not saying it’s got to be true

Pearls Of Passion - 900 000
Look Sharp - 9 000 000
Joyride - 11 000 000
Tourism - 6 000 000
C!B!B! - 5 000 000
DBUGTTC - 6 000 000
Rarities - 1 000 000
Baladas En Espanol - 1 000 000
HAND - 2 000 000
Room Service - 1 500 000
Ballad Hits - 1 500 000
Pop Hits - 1 000 000

On Billboard site it was said that American edition of Don’t bore us... from 2000 sold ca 80.000 copies. Little disappointment, don’t you think? ;)

I’m surprised that HAND went so bad (only 2mln) despite big hit “WICF”. I thought it would be something around 3. And “Pop hits” 1 mln? It sounds unbelieveble. I don’t say it’s not true, but I expected much worse result.

cbb 6 mill
hand 4 mill.

im just basing my results like everyone else.

No way HAND sold 4 millions...

i had a similar thread a while ago.i think it was deleted when i went a bit mental tho.most seem pretty acurate tho i think look sharp is on 10 million and have a nice day is around 3 room service sold around 2.5 up to now

I seem to remember HAND having sold 2.5 Million a year or so after it was released, so I would guess it is about 3 million by now

ncurran i heard also the same back then. that why i said 4 by now ?

hand preordered at 1 million and sold about 4 4.5 mil

and ls is about 8 mill theres no way it outsold joyride

joyride is apparently on 11 - 12 million ansd look sharp is around 10 million

i do hope we get an offical up to date brake down with the GH20 release. would be good to look at.

I’m hoping the same. at least we might finally get some concrete figures.

In the booklet to TBH its written that HAND sold “more than 2 million copies”. Unless HAND has been around at the top of the charts since 2002 its no way it has sold 2 more million copies since then.

I also hope for an official “sales statistics”. It seems that Roxette are ashame of the sales of their latest albums, during 89-95 everyone knew exacly how much the albums sold, but since HAND its been very quiet about the sales...

ye true although is natural for sales to go down over the years in most cases. and since 1995 only 2 studio albums have been released thats why i think.

If the RS is something about 1,5mln, HAND has to be something about 3, I think... The sales was a little bit disappointing in comparsion to their previous CD’s, but it was a hit, anyway...
Do Ya think the 20-th anniversary album will go better then “The ballad hits”?
I hope so, but I’m affraid that it will be huge flop. People a little bit forget about our duo because of this break.
They had a big break between C!B!B! and HAND and they’ve lost people and media attention but the radiostation still had a will to play Roxette but now they’ve lost some fans again and what’s worse, I’m affraid radiostations don’t wait for new Roxette staff like it was with WICF.
I hope of course the new song will be so fantastic that everyone will add to their playlist, it will be massive hit, album will get better then “DBUGTTC” and Marie & Per will see the point to play and record together again...
Am I dreamer??

No, I think not!

i dont think its an oringal as the idea behind DBUGTTC. just another hits album, i do hope im worng. I think a new studio album would sell alot more than a hits collection at this point.

Yeah, I mean they have enough material sitting idle...

Once again, the reason why there is no new album with only new material is that Marie has been sick, and she dont have enoght strenght to fully work with Roxette ( yet). I believed everyone knew this by now....

I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but I know! I ain’t a complete ditz.

Brain not working properly, too worried atm- making no sense whatsoever-sorry folks

What I meant was something I said earlier as a joke- they could splice together the ’new’ tracks from TBH n TPH, 2 new songs and the Rox Medley and call it an album.

*banging head on table in exasperation*


i think with all the (bit singles ) ie songs from pop hits/ballad hits the extra ep’s and b-sides entering your heart etc

a thing about you
makin love
weight of the world
it hurts
little miss sorrow
bla bla bla bla
One wish
entering your heart
better off on her own

This would of made a fantasic album and would of sold better than another gh repackaged in my opinion.

e.g - rs sold more that the ballad hits

That tracklist...not enought strong material for a whole “new album” in my opinion...
I just wanted to remind people about Maries condition because there a lot of complaining because Roxette are only releasing 2 new tracks.

yes yes yes we know , u said once already !

I think Joyride has sold MORE that 10 million copies right now!

Anyone knows where to get these informations??

Maybe tevensso could ask Per or EMI and put the sales figures in an article ? That would make an end to all speculations.

I don´t understand why there´s no official annual statistics. I wanna know how many copies has been sold. Albums, singles, videos... EMI has all these detailed statistics but they dissimulate it. Why?

Yes, Tevensso is per´s friend, so he could ask him. If EMI tels to Per, ha ha...

It’s surely possible to get these stats...

btw: Roxette are STILL selling albums - even if they are out of the official charts. So, they sell EACH day their cd’s!

Its been said a lot of time but people are still complaining...

By the guess regarding the sales would be something like this:

Pop 800 000
LS! 9 000 000
Joyride 11 000 000
Tourism 5 000 000
C!B!B! 5 000 000
DBUGTTC 4 000 000- 4 500 000
HAND 2 500 000
RS 1 500 000
TBH 1 500 000
TPH 1 000 000 ( it could be less also...)

you know people will keep on complaining aswell lol.

And there is nothing anyone can do about it. I would hope that everyone is glad there is something to look forward to, rather than nowt.

It is difficult to estimate sometimes, thouhg, to be honest, you’d think EMI would keep track of all the albums pressed, and how many were sold. But, no one else does- Madonna ’True Blue’, every source I look says different (last one I read was about 12 million), ditto Depeche Mode ’Violator’ (Their label boss said about 7 million, so thats the one I go with).

I tried to add our estimations and it looks like they sold approximetely 45 mln copies of their albums (including PRETTY WOMAN it’s 55mln).
Does it look impressing?
BTW: In the “DBUGTTC” is written they sold 36 mln albums, but in the american version which was released after this “DBUGTTC” and “HAND” is said they sold 40mln copies. So it means they sold only 4 mln copies of this two albums together.
As we know, it was many more so it’s funny that we worry about this numbers more then them :)))

I don’t really care if Roxette sold 5 mln copies of CBB or 4 mln ;) It’s bl**dy good album, that’s important ;) This same is with Joyride, LS or Tourism ;-)

And even if they sold less than they say, would it really matter ? Nope... :-)


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